Emmeline was quite happy when they finally found a place to eat, "I'm kinda curious about what's happening in the square, but at the same all of those people.." She trailed off and looked at the tavern, smiling up at Miles.
Emmeline was quite happy when they finally found a place to eat, "I'm kinda curious about what's happening in the square, but at the same all of those people.." She trailed off and looked at the tavern, smiling up at Miles.
"Eh. Screw those people from out of town…." Miles headed on inside, and there was absolutely no one else there – besides the wait staff, of course.
It wasn't long before they got a seat at some table by a window. They were served water to start and headed away.
"It's crazy to think that so many people are in the square, but there's… Like…. No one – and I mean no one – here in this place…" How wild.
"Yeah," She nodded and looked around the tavern, "That's not usual for around here." She thought about it for a minute and shrugged, giving Miles a light smile.
He smiled back, feeling a tad awkward. "I can imagine some festival going on, but it isn't normal for a big event to go unannounced…." He took a sip of water. To be honest, he was getting a bit hot just from sitting across from her.
Emmeline nodded again and looked at the table, "That's true," She looked at her water and took a small sip, looking out the window.
He put his glass down and ruffled his hair by shaking his head lightly. "I can imagine they said something about it… But I still don't know what's going on…"
The waiter came back and asked what they wanted to eat.
Miles took a minute before ordering somewhat of a common dish – fish and chips. Simple but tasty.
Emmeline ordered the same, humming lightly as she did. "I would think that they would probably tell the shopkeepers so that they could tell the customers." She said, looking up at Miles' hair with a faint blush.
The waiter nodded and headed off.
Miles rolled his eyes. "Whatever. That doesn't really matter now that it's actually going on…" He glared at her for a while then gave off a look of concern as he followed her gaze to the top of his head. "What's wrong? Do I have something in my hair?" He rubbed his hand on his head, fluffing it up.
"No, it's just really fluffy and looks amazing," As soon as she said it she covered her eyes with her hands and felt her face heat up. "Did I say that out loud?" She asked, not looking up at him as her face grew even more red.
"Well of course you did… But…. First of all…." He held his chin a bit high. "Why wouldn't it look amazing?" Miles smirked. Heh…. Don't make her more stressed…. He sat back and tapped his fingers on the table, chilling out.
She chuckled lightly and shook her head, "In all honesty, it looks amazing almost all the time." She rubbed her face and sighed, "Feel free to just tell me to shut up at any time."
He chuckled. "And I haven't yet, have I?" Miles sat back and had another sip of water. "Speaking of hair, I see that some of yours is growing back a little."
Emmeline rubbed her hair, "I hadn't really noticed," She said with a shrug, "Does it look ok?" She took another sip of water and fiddled with the hem of her shirt.
"Yeh. It looks quite fine…." Better than it was when it was really really short… He took a sip of water. "You just need to chill out sometimes…." He sat back and spread his legs out under the table to stretch them. "You're so concerned with everything and…" He held out a flat hand. "You just need to take a chill pill."
"I know," She looked at his hand and rubbed her head again, "I just..I can overthink things and get worried over nothing if you haven't noticed." Emmeline chuckled lightly and shook her head, "I think it's just something I picked up from living on the streets and getting used to letting people down."
"Yup… Yup… But the thing is is that you haven't let me down…. So there isn't anything to worry about, then." He sat back and took another drink of water.
The waiter came out with the orders and set them on the table, telling them to enjoy their food.
"Thanks, you too," Miles replied absentmindedly as he walked away.
Emmeline smiled lightly, both at the food and his comment, "Wait, I haven't let you down?" She started eating and looked at him, not quite sure that he knew how big of a compliment that was for her.
"As far as I'm concerned, no you haven't. Besides the time you tracked mud in my house…" His voice got heavy and he ground his teeth. "But anyways…" He froze for a second. "Wait…. What did I say to the waiter before he walked off….?" I feel like I made a mistake here…..
"Um…you said 'you too' I think." She said, smiling, "Don't quote me on that though, I wasn't paying much attention." She turned back to her food and though about the mud, shuddering slightly, "Remind me to never get you that mad again..that was scary."
"Hm…. Oh well…" He said in regards to his response. I have to stop doing automatic replies like that… He laughed a little. "Yeah… I guess I don't even know what makes me mad. It's a risky game of Russian Roulette, my friend." I guess that was the one time I got ticked off for having an intentionally dirty floor…
She chuckled lightly and nodded, "Alright, I'll do my best to stay on your good side then. Mad Miles isn't the most friendly person." She continued eating her food, happy that this was one less meal that she or Miles had to make.
He chuckled and began to eat somewhat greedily. "No, he most certainly is not…" He muttered under his breath as he ate the food. It's been quite some time since I used a fork and a knife to eat, but I haven't forgotten how to use them…
"This is pretty good," She said, mostly to herself. Emmeline looked out the window and glanced at Miles every so often, not completely sure why she was looking over at him.
(Because he's hot, that's why X3)
Miles nodded lightly, continuing to indulge in his food. The fish was crispy and not too heavy in the beer batter, and the fries were hot and salty like he wanted them. I don't know why I don't come here more often…
She finished eating her fries quickly, curious about how the fish would taste. She'd only had fish once or twice before this and both of those had been bad so Emmeline only took a small piece at first.
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