@PaperHats business
(We started off being enemies XD how did this happen)
(We started off being enemies XD how did this happen)
(god. i have no idea?? with how hotheaded oleg is if donny just does something mild to piss him off he’ll probably hate him again)
“I understand. Me? Only my mother. Being kicked out of home is not good for relations, eh?” He cackled sharply, crossing his arms. “She was good for me. Did not hate me. Not that my father or siblings did, they just.. how do I put this? Hated me, if you understand.” Oleg looked everywhere but Donny. His gaze settled on a lone tree lining the path.
“I am sorry,” Donny said quietly. “I understand. But here, you have people behind you.”
The boy smiled to himself, trying to convince his own mind as well as Oleg. “Here, you have people who care.”
“That’s good to hear, dragon.” As they drew closer to the camp, Oleg was distracted by all of the lights from trailers. “…Good to hear.”
Donny strolled into camp, sliding by his pool and picking up one of his dropped lighters and sticking it in his pocket with his three others. He continued on to his trailer, stopping once before opening his door.
He paused, his hand hovering over the handle. “Thank you, Oleg. You’re a good man, y’know?”
Before the man could respond, Donny disappeared inside, shutting the door gently.
Oleg nodded silently, ducking through the shadows and slinking off to his own trailer. He shooed a stray cat away from the door before slipping inside. Oleg changed into his pajamas, peeling off his damp clothes and collapsing into his bed.
Donny pulled on his sweats, hopping up onto his bed and crawling out the window. His skinny frame was able to fit through it, and he squirmed up to the top of his trailer, laying on his back. He looked up at the clouded sky, littered with an occasional star. The metal roof felt cold against his skin and he began whistling softly to himself as to not disturb the other members, but still to break the silence.
A large cat made its way onto the top of Oleg’s trailer. He could be heard knocking on his ceiling with a broom in an attempt to shoo the cat away. A string of words in muffled Russian could be heard, although they were incredibly hard to hear.
Don laughed to himself as he heard the man. He lifted up his head, watching as the stray cat jumped down from the trailer.
Another cat made its way to the top of Donny’s trailer. As it padded around, the boy sat up, holding out his hand. The cat rubbed against it, it’s auburn fur flowing between his fingers.
Don smiled, laying back down. The cat curled up on his chest, purring happily.
Oleg set the broom down, going back to bed. He fell asleep within minutes, no other distractions keeping him awake.
(Should we time-skip?)
(What time? It’s up to you)
(i think just morning works! around 8-ish?)
(Ok, perfect)
Donny woke up as he fell through the air, hitting the ground and coughing out a sudden burst of air. Aching permeated his body as a loud thump echoed.
He sat up, groaning and rubbing the back of his head. He must have fallen asleep on the roof of his trailer, forgetting to crawl back inside. He was soaked from rain throughout the night. His clothes clung tight to his body and his hair fell, dripping in his face. He eyed the roof of his trailer, noting the place he had rolled off of.
Oleg opened the window to his trailer, sticking his head out to investigate the sound. "What made that?" He called out. One hand propped open the window, the other held a broom- he was cleaning. "Ah- Donny! You fell!"
Don looked up at the man with narrowed eyes. “Yes, yes I did. Nice observation skills.”
Donny got up, wincing as he brushed himself off. Blades of grass and leaves still clung to the back of his shirt.
“What time is it?” he called back.
“Time to get a watch!” He laughed at his own joke, moving to go outside. The window slid shut as Oleg opened his door, sweeping a dust pile outside as he did so. “It is…! 8:30.”
Donny rubbed his eyes without responding, soon pushing himself to his feet. He was paler than usual and the dark circles under his eyes were prominent. He shook his head, subconsciously trying to get rid of his exhaustion. He padded around to the front of his trailer, watching the man move happily and carelessly.
“What’s on the agenda for today?” Don asked, sitting down on the front steps of his metal home.
“Cleaning day! Packing up to move. Sweeping, breaking the big top down, all of that.” Oleg looked around brightly, ignoring the glaringly obvious dark circles around Donny’s eyes. “Are you excited?”
“Terribly exited,” Donny muttered. He got up, his actions followed by a fit of coughing. Because of this, he sat back down, closing his eyes and feeling the cool breeze against his clothes. He shuttered, his wet clothes making him even colder, but it felt nice.
“How’s long is the trip to San Francisco?” he asked. “We’re gonna be on the road for a while, huh?”
"Yes. Long trip. You look cold. Jacket?" He rested his broom against the door frame, leaning on the railing of his trailer's tiny porch. "You'll get the plague."
Don laughed— a quiet chuckle cutting through the soft morning.
“The plague,” he repeated. “I’m too stubborn to get sick, don’t get your tail in a twist.”
Donny got up, steadying himself before walking inside his trailer. He walked back out in a couple moments, dressed in daily apparel and taking up his seat once again.
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