(Honestly, I kinda wanna continue from here?)
(Honestly, I kinda wanna continue from here?)
(Ok sure I’ll post a reply :)
Don traveled farther into the forest, the morning sun shining brightly through the leaves of the trees. He extended out his arms, taking a deep breath. The sun glinted off of his brazen tanned skin, showing off the many tattoos clearly. He gave a cheerful smile, closing his eyes as the two walked.
“Beautiful day,” he mumbled to himself.
(Oof, I love this rp but I hate my c h a r a c t e r)
(Make a new one, man! Don’t feel limited!)
(You're my favorite person.)
Oleg’s attention drifted around the forest, keeping on high alert. His head snapped up at the sound of twigs cracking, quickly halting in his movement.
Don, although his eyes closed, noticed the man stopping beside him. He kept walking for just a moment before stopping as well. His ears twitched, yet he kept his eyes closed, his hands tightly clasped behind his back.
“Hm?” he hummed slightly, opening an eye. “What do you hear?”
"Circus" Name(s)- Spirito Maligno
Name: Kosmo Marsilis
Gender/Pronouns- They/Them pronouns
Sexuality- Panromantic
Age- in their early twenties
Nationality- Italian
Mutation? If so, what kind?- Sharp, vampire-like teeth and the inability to feel pain
Does their mutation cause any health issues?- Well, just because Kosmo can't feel pain doesn't mean they're unbreakable and it's very easy to forget that.
Act(s) (1-2 MAX)- They invite any paying costumers to hit them with whatever they desire, as long as they pay, of course.
Personality (At least 4 traits, please)- Kosmo is more of a quiet fellow, though they will perkin with some insults that usually hit close to home. They've got that, I hate you but I'm too tired to do anything about it, kinda vibe.
Appearance- Deep olive skin tone with startling green eyes and an almost regal posture. Their hair is dyed stark white and they're not very tall, but can and will stab your kneecaps and watch you writhe in pain.
Tattoos? Piercings?- Why of course, they have an eye on the back of their neck with a light blue iris and a dark blue inside thingy.
Strengths/Weaknesses- They try not to get too involved with anyone, though if they make a friend they will kill for that person.
Fears- Hahahah, we don't talk about that.
Prejudices?-Anything relating to their culture, if someone makes fun of it, they will lodge a knife between your ribs faster then you can say mama mia
Open to Romance?- hell yeah
Open to Rivalries?- h e l l y e a h
Other (Links, Fun facts, etc!)-
(Ooh, they’re great!)
“I think.. dog.” Oleg said quietly, eyes narrowed as he scanned the undergrowth. “Be careful. They bite hard.” His hand flitted to his work boots, where he pulled out a knife. “I am going to strike first thing that I see come out of those bushes.”
(Unseelie, how do you want to intro your character?)
Donny kept surprisingly relaxed but drew out two knives from god knows where. They were small pocket-knives that held intricate designes, alternating red and black. He kept on his toes, habitually but also standing on edge for the possible combat. His amber eyes darted around the brush, and he kept his defensive stance.
A dog leapt out of the bushes, hackles bristling and teeth bared. Oleg backed up, instinctively blocking Donny with an arm, keeping himself between Donny and the dog.
The animal leapt forward with its jaws outstretched. Its teeth grazed Oleg’s arm and he hissed in pain. “Mother of fuck!”
Donny slid aside, trying to knock Oleg out of the way. Since the man was much taller and overall bigger than Don, he had no clue how much effect he would actually have.
He stepped quickly, turning his head just in time to see the actual figure of the wild dog. Its emancipated form quivered and trembled, its eyes scared and clearly wild. It’s patchy fur was mangled and matted, and its eyes darted around hastily, looking for any other figure to latch its jaws onto.
Don immediately sheathed his knives, holding out his hands between the dog and Oleg.
“Hold on,” he muttered, his voice rash and harsh. The dog took no time in jumping back up, but Don dodged to the side quickly.
Oleg knocked the dog to the ground with a his forearm. There wasn’t enough force there to actually hurt it, only keep it down. “This thing is dangerous, Don.” He looked between the dog and Don, keeping his own knife unsheathed just in case. “What do you want with it?”
Don cooed to the dog softly, crouching down in the slightest. The dog backed up, barring its teeth and snarling savagely.
Donny pulled out a small piece of pancake from earlier, wrapped up in a paper towel. He glanced up for a second at Oleg, wondering if the man would judge him.
Without hesitation, he unwrapped it and held it out to the wild dog. Don tossed it on the dusted ground, still on his toes to hold any reaction.
“How do you trust that thing?” Oleg crouched as well, scratching his scalp. “You're feeding it. The dog will kill you if you give it a chance.”
Don gave Oleg a glance that seemed to say: shut it.
After it finished eating, Don held out a tentative hand. At first the dog quivered, stepping back and curling its lip. Don just kept cooing, reaching out.
The dog gave another growl, but it seemed delayed and less savage. Its tail was still tucked behind it, but it seemed much more relaxed.
“It’s just hungry,” Don said softly, keeping his hand where it was.
Oleg flinched away from Don’s glare. He went quiet while the dog ate. His pale eyes scanned the feral animal with something resembling pity, though he wasn’t quite sure if that’s what it was. “That’s why it’s dangerous.” He repeated, quieter this time. Oleg’s eyes seemed to be boring into the dog’s very being. “ “He's almost cute. If not for the mange.”
“I think he’s adorable despite,” Don replied, giving the wild animal a cheerful smile. He stood up slowly and began walking back. The dog looked up, finished with its meal and seeming almost content. As Don stepped back, the dog stepped forward. Don stepped back again. The dog followed.
(Well, where are they in relation to where the circus is?)
(They’re in a wooded area that surrounds the camp. It’s kinda hard to explain, but the fairgrounds are in a large clearing that’s surrounded by trees, basically its only link outside is a dirt road.)
“Don’t say he’s coming with us.” Oleg groaned, though he wasn’t too uncomfortable with the idea of having a dog around. By now he get trapped into this stance he had, but.. the more he looked at the dog, the more attached he became.
(Is it alright if Kosmo comes out to read in the forest and finds them?)
(Sure thing!)
Kosmo headed out into the forest, their bag holding a book and a few other things. They were pretty new around here and had just been picked up by the circus. Kosmo was getting a bit homesick, so they were going to go out and read one of their books from home.
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