Started by @GoblinKing

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Mre poked his head in the door. "You two, I brought tea and an apology for being an ass with my knives."

@PaperHats business

Donny’s gaze shifted over to the man.
“Mornin’ Mre,” he said with a smile. “And no worries. Want me to deal you in or should I make us some pancakes? You’re welcome to join.”

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"I can just watch, I'm useless with card games." Mre entered the room, holding a thermos of peppermint tea. "It's peppermint, but I have more kinds in my trailer."

@PaperHats business

“Peppermint works,” Don said, setting his cards face-down. He got up, making his way to his cabinets. “Feel free to take a seat, shadow man.”
He took out multiple bags of grains and various ingredients, already beginning to make the pancakes. He surprisingly kept everything spotless clean as he went, turning around to rest on the table as he stirred the batter.

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Mre flicked the side Don's head, a teasing frown on his face. "Don't call me that, lizard man." He laughed, setting the thermos down on the table and moving to the kitchen with Don. "You need help?"


Oleg prodded at the thermos. "Should I get cups?" He watched Donny and Mre for a bit before finally drawing another card. "I have some in my trailer- unless Donny here has some."

@PaperHats business

“I have a few,” Don said, pointing to a cabinet adjacent the table. “Grab any cups, really.”
He turned on the stove, setting down his bowl and grabbing butter nearby. He took out a pan, coating it slightly in the butter.
“And sure, Mre. You’re welcome to grab some blueberries out of the fridge and dress the cakes up as you see fit,” Donny began, grabbing a thin spatula. He poured out some of the batter, trying his best to make uniform circles.

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"Disgusting, no. We're getting chocolate." Mre stated, lips curling at the mentions of blueberries. "I will not let those disgusting little blue poops near something as sacred as pancakes."

@PaperHats business

Don raised an eyebrow. “Certainly prejudicial, are we?” he asked. “At least your energy— er— aversion levels for today lead me to believe you’re feeling better than yesterday?”
The boy shook his head with a smile. “And yes, the chocolate chips are in the cupboard above you.”

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"Considering the fact that I don't want to impale both of you with a knife today, yes, yes it would." Mre gave a small laugh before grabbing a chair and putting it beneath him so he'd be able to reach the chocolate chips.

@PaperHats business

Don glanced over at him, his smile holding. “Well that’s good, eh? For the both of us.”
He flipped the pancakes, turning the heat down and waiting for the condiments.
“You excited to move on to San Francisco? I heard it’ll be easy to get a good audience.”


“Large population means large excitement. Advertisement will be easy.” His voice was almost a grunt as he picked out cups for them. “Audience gets excited in a big place like San Francisco. Lots of talk.”

(i won’t be as active for a couple days- family visiting! sorry!)

@PaperHats business

“Exaaactly,” Don said. “We gotta do our best, huh? Should be no problem.”
He shot Oleg a wink, flipping the pancakes over again and finally taking some, placing them carefully on a plate.


“Should not be an issue.” He took note of the wink, but didn’t say anything. Oleg jotted it down mentally. “Food is done?”

@PaperHats business

“Sure is,” Donny laughed. “Serve yourself, squire.”
He poured more pancakes, then turned to the plate and placed it on the table. He continued to set the table, placing three plates around with napkins and utensils.
“Dig in. I’ll make more.” He turned back around, flipping the cakes. “I’ll be a wife. Make the food ‘round here.”


Be a wife? Why would you want to do that for?” He took two, not even bothering to get a fork or plate before beginning to eat. “Seems like a bad time.”

@PaperHats business

Don chuckled at the way the joke had gone straight over the man’s head.
“Never mind, Wolf,” he said, still slightly laughing. He put his bowl in the sink, finishing up the last of the pancakes and taking a seat at the table, across from Oleg. He raked up the cards, setting them aside for the time being. He still looked extremely tired and sickly but was beginning to acquire back some of his delightful sarcastic charm.


“Ah. I miss a joke, eh?” He nodded knowingly, crunching up one of his pancakes in his fist. “Not the first time. You look sick. Don’t be. Too much going on! We need you!” He barked, a smile playing on his mouth.

@PaperHats business

“Awww,” Donny said, shaking his head mockingly. “You need me? How sweet.”
He slid a plate over, dressing it with a pancake and a slight bit of syrup. He took his tea, sitting back slightly and sipping at it. “I do get it, though. We have a huge crowd to please. When do we get on the road today?”


"I'm a sweet man." He finished eating his pancakes, ignoring the fact that they were squished up into a ball by now. "We leave.. Two hours, I think. Soon."

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Mre… Mre was passed out on the table. Fucking hell dude, why are you asleep? You had a whole night of sleep, what the fuck.

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Mre blinked sleepily and lifted his head up, frowning before setting his head back down. "I slept for the first time in a week last night, let me sleep."


“Ah. Alright. Carry on.” He nodded solemnly, grabbing another pancake from the stack. “Has everybody gotten their cleaning?”