"It's true! Cold weather brings illness." Oleg had on his own jacket, odd considering that half the time he was completely shirtless. "Even more so with rain. Especially so with rain." He picked the broom back up, rolling the handle between his palms.
“It’s nice to know you care, Wolfie,” Don mumbled. “Nice to know. But I’ll be fine.”
Donny looked over to his pool, reluctant to empty it and put it back in his trailer. He grumbled to himself, pushing to his feet and carrying it out anyway. The water intertwined with the grass, flowing away as Don tilted up the large plastic saucer.
“I’m just warning you.” Oleg ducked back inside, tail swaying as he did so. He came back out after a few moments with a garbage bag, and glanced around for the large trash can.
Don folded up the inflatable plastic, heaving it onto his shoulders and carrying it over to his trailer. He pushed open the door, clearly having trouble fitting before finally just shoving it through the doorway. His momentum kept him going, running straight into his table. From inside his trailer, anyone could only hear a loud bang followed by an “OW.”
“You are hurt?” Oleg dusted his hands off on his pants, ducking into Donny’s trailer. “Yes?”
Donny laughed himself, sitting on his wooden floor. His trailer was neat… too neat— almost like he hadn’t slept in it for a couple days.
“Nah, I’m fine. Just tired and clearly having a clumsy day,” he said, getting up and rubbing one of his arms. He took the pool, shoving it into one of his cabinets.
"You keep your home clean. How? Looks unloved." He grunted out his words bluntly, looking around. His arms were crossed over his chest as he inspected the trailer. "Yes. Clumsy day. Do you sleep?"
“I can’t help that I’m tidy,” Don mumbled, shutting the cabinet door and inspecting a small scratch in it. “And yeah, I got a little sleep. Don’t worry about me.”
He walked over, sitting down on the seat adjacent his table. He brought out a deck of cards from underneath the cushion, beginning to shuffle them. His hands flowed swiftly, bridging the cards from one hand to the other. He flipped them around casually, finally dealing out a solitaire set-up. He eyed the wolf-man at the doorway, beginning to play his game. “You just gonna stand there or should I deal you in to another game?”
“Break your home in!” He cackled, crossing his arms over his chest. “I am not worried. I notice you sleeping on your roof.” Oleg sat down as well, head tilted. “Deal me in. What do we play?” His foot tapped as he spoke. Oleg was itching to play.
“Gin rummy, eh?” Don said with a smile, dealing out the cards. “Ever play? It’s unforgiving.”
He set them up knock-poker style, setting aside the jokers.
“We playing with skin in the game?” he asked.
“One or two times.” He watched Donny deal, keeping a close eye on his hand. “Explain the rules, though.” Oleg’s face was calculating as he considered his options. “No skin. Maybe later.”
Don laughed. “Alright, Alright. You’re no fun.”
He handed the man a second deck as he dealt out the first.
“Take out the jokers and start shufflin,’” he said with a wink. “We’ll go over rules in a bit. For now, just know face cards are 10, and others are just their pips, eh? Aces are ones. Twos are twos, etcetera.”
“Sure.” Oleg was a good shuffler, although he was never the kind of man you’d want as your dealer. He had fast hands that always seemed to move just a little quicker than you could watch them. “10 and.. other numbers. Yes.”
Don gave a small crooked smile. “Lay them out, see? Like I have done here.” He gestured to the table. “For this game, hands must be quick. Fortunately, we are both outlaws in this case, eh?”
Donny chuckled, a few times he had cheated coming to mind. “But leave that for now. We shall have an honest game this morning.”
“Easy to play honest when you don’t know the rules, yes?” He laid his cards down, now drumming thin fingers on the table. Oleg still eyed Donny’s hands, watching them like a hawk.
“Alright, now,” Donny said. “Pick up a card. Whoever gets higher picks a side to sit on, eh? Tactical. Go ahead— pick one up.”
Don’s hand slid up to the deck, flicking out two fingers and drawing a card. He looked at it, lowered his hand, and kept the same expression.
"Side to sit on. Sure." He drew a card, glancing over it. His poker face was amazing. "What now?"
“Well?” Don muttered, laying down his card. It showed a small jack drawn elegantly on the front. “What did you draw?”
(Donny's trailer, I think)
"King." His voice was gruff. "Of spades."
“Alright, we tied then,” Don said, shooting a smile. “But as my guest, you may choose. Look at the decks, see where you would like to be.”
"I don't know.. Here?" He beckoned to a spot in the deck, clearly confused with the situation.
Donny just chuckled at the man’s confusion.
“It’s alright, we’ll skip that. Don’t worry. Now, for the game.”
The boy dealt out ten cards to each of them, leaving the rest of the deck in the middle of the table, flipping one card on its back next to it. The card showed a “7.”
“Now, you may go first. Look at your deck. If you have cards of the same suit, group them together. Your objective is to get to at least 100 points in groups of three. Only same suit, however.” Don took a look at his own cards, letting out a smirk.
“You can differ, or pick up that 7 right there, discarding one of your own cards. Say, Wolfie, what shall it be?”
"Something says I would rather die than finish this game. How long does it take?" He pulled the 7, discarding a 2. "Long game?"