forum Broken Dreams and Haunting Memories// Closed!// 16+
Started by @ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

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And Simon was definitely feeling all of it, his cries of pain having continued through the entire process. He didn’t even know why he bothered at that point, knowing his screams were only fueling Astral. Regardless, he was very visibly still panicking.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(Does this work for you? And I totally understand the concern, I was thinking on it myself)

Astral tossed Simon's head up a bit and caught it, like one might a ball. He did this as he thought over what to do next, humming a bit to himself. Finally, he caught Simon's head again, looking down at him. He stuck one finger in the bottom of Simon's airway- he'd be choking, of course, but there would be no release. He'd be stuck like this as long as Astral wanted him to be.


((Yeah this works perfectly fine :) ))

As his head was being tossed around, something he never thought he’d have to experience, he managed to convince himself that this was just a dream. However that didn’t make him feel the pain any less or make him any less scared. And when Astral blocked his airway, he definitely felt that, and began to choke. But no matter how much he coughed and spluttered, it wouldn’t stop, and he still stayed conscious.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Astral held Simon's head for a minute more like this, but he grew bored. Well, it was on to the next thing, then. He set Simon's head back down, taking his finger out. He started putting the man back together, healing him just enough to were he wouldn't fall apart. He closed Simon's chest up, undoing the resrraints. He dragged Simon up by his hair, very ready to do even more to him. Still, time was running short. He gave an irritated sigh. He didn't have time to continue. So, he picked Simon up entirely again, cradling him close.
"You've been such a good boy," he cooed, grinning.


Simon ignored the other entirely, his gaze on the floor. There was only so much he could handle before he just started ignoring people. And this was apparently his limit for today. He knew that was stupid of him but he didn’t care.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Astral scowled a bit. Still, morning was coming, and that meant he'd have to be nice. The thought was disgusting. He could do one last thing, though. He hit Simon on the head, and this time he didn't force the man to stay awake. If he passed out, he passed out, simple as that.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Astral hummed some. He looked Simon over, making sure there wasn't a single scratch on Simon from their session. He carried the man back to the bedroom, laying him down. He made sure the man was the same as when he had been dragged out, and then Astral finally left to go rest on the couch.


Simon, exhausted from that night’s experience, slept way longer than he normally would have. He did eventually wake up though, still feeling deeply disturbed, but unharmed. He checked, doing a quick pat up and down of all the places he remembered being significantly injured. Not a scratch. “Must’ve just been a nightmare then..” he mumbled, his brow furrowing.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Astral was in the kitchen, cooking. Why the hell was he doing this again? He felt like he was waiting on this man hand and foot, even if he really wasn't, but he hated it nonetheless. He scowled a bit, his back to the door just in case Simon came in. He finished up the food, setting it out on the table. He wiped his hands off- jesus, this had better be worth it in the end. Memories of the night before kept Astral from completely freaking out and saying screw it. But if Simon expressed even for a moment he didn't believe the lie, Astral would drop it immediently. He walked to his own goddamned room, knocking on the door.
"Simon?" he called out softly, keeping his voice soft and gentle. "Are you awake..?"


Simon had been awake for around 15 minutes, and finally deciding he couldn’t deal with the pain in his chest anymore, had taken off his binder. The hoodie he was wearing was big enough to where the curves in his chest wouldn’t be obvious. He was checking that he looked flat enough for maybe the millionth time when Astral knocked. He quickly shoved his rolled up binder into his front hoodie pocket and opened the door.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

"Good morning!" Astral said. God, he hated how sweet he sounded. "I just finished making breakfast, and I was wondering if you'd like to join me." Astral smiled for Simon, folding his hands in front of him. Why did Astral have to be so damn sunny?!

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Astral could see- of course he could- but he didn't say a word about it.
"I'm glad!" Astral turned to head to the kitchen, glancing at Simon. He eyebrows drew together.
"Are you alright?" He asked. "You look troubled."