forum Broken Boy, Metal and Bone (Closed o/o)
Started by @Oakiin

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Boa blinked at her in surprise. "I uh… I don't think I'm allowed to do that?"
He trailed off, realizing how lame that sounded. It wasn't like the Agaens were here to stop him. They'd probably kill him either way, and imprisonment did NOT sound like a good option.
But he had given himself to the Agaen empire. Willingly. After all, they had saved his life. That meant he owed his life to them right?

He hesitated a moment longer, then looked down. He realized, no amount of past promises would have convinced him to say no to this. Even as guilt filled him at the thought of going back on his word, he nodded.
"I…would like to join you, yes," he said, trying to make his voice loud enough to be heard.



Stef gave a sharp nod. "Right. Alix, you have room for one more, right?" Her gaze flashed to the young man.

Alix blinked. "I mean, yeah, I've just…got to make some changes and such. Clean out the bunk. But yeah, there's room for him." He said slowly.


Boa hoped he hadn't made the wrong choice. He managed an almost imperceptible smile at Alix.

"Thank-you," he managed. He was still beyond stressed, but a tiny flicker of hope had bloomed within his heart and he felt for the first time in a long time that he might have a slightly better life ahead of him.


"Great. Boa, you stick with Alix for now, okay?" Stef said. It wasn't a request. She still didn't trust him, and that was normal for this kind of situation.

Alix beckoned, starting to walk back towards the back of the hangar, to head to the barracks.


Boa stuck close by Alix, afraid of fiery retribution should he lag too far behind.
"Does that happen often?" he asked, simultaneously trying to memorize their route should he need to run for any reason. "Letting people join, I mean."


"Yes. We always need more people." Alix replied, giving Boa a quick smile, then returning his concentration to the route ahead. "Plus, you don't look Agaen. Which is my fault, I should have paid closer attention."


Boa felt slightly heartened by the smile. Maybe this wouldn't be horrible after all.
"So how's the uh…revolution going?" He knew that the Agaens had been struggling to crush this particular uprising for quite some time now, but he didn't think either side had been making much ground towards victory.


Alix shrugged vaguely. "It's not going phenomenally, but we aren't losing." he replied, glancing over at Boa as he walked. "Are you allergic to cats?" the question seemed sudden, but Alix had a cat, and he wanted to make sure there weren't going to be any issues caused by that.


Boa blinked, then shook his head. "No. I like cats. Do you have one?"
he prospect of having an animal around was honestly a little exciting. He missed his old pets, and the Agaens weren't big on animals.


"I do, yes. He's a sweet little thing, and I wanted to make sure he wasn't going to be an issue." he replied, giving Boa a quick little smile as he continued leading him through the halls. "I figure I'll show you where we're going to be sleeping first, then I'll take you to get inputted into the system, then we'll get you some clothes."