Finally, class ended and Rowan gathered all his papers with a shaky sigh. He had a lot more work to get done than he'd originally thought.
Finally, class ended and Rowan gathered all his papers with a shaky sigh. He had a lot more work to get done than he'd originally thought.
Damien waited for Rowan at the door before leaving. "Hey.. you alright, Ro? You look upset, man." He took the bloody tissue from his nose, dropping it into the trash before they left.
"I'm just really stressed… I'm realizing how much work I have to do to get caught up." Rowan sighed softly and adjusted his grip on his crutches, unable to meet Damien's eyes.
"Yeah. I get that." He nodded. "You ever need to copy shit, I don't throw anything away. Just dig through my backpack if you need to."
Rowan nodded a bit. "Alright, thanks… maybe you can help me with that when we get home. I don't wanna get caught copying in school."
"I mean, yeah. Y'know you have like.. a month to get this done? You have a day for every day you're gone to get it all turned in." Damien began walking to the next class.
"Yeah, but still… the work's just going to keep piling up every day if I don't just get it all done. The teachers are going to keep assigning new things."
"I know. But if you try to get it all done at once your brain is gonna fucking melt, man."
"Mhmm… that's why I'm unbelievably stressed right now. I really want to get it over with, though…"
"Ro, chill out. I can help you with your work, man, I don't care." Damien was trying to be reassuring, but it was sort of difficult.
Rowan nodded a bit, sighing shakily. "We're only like, two hours into the day and I already feel like I wanna go to sleep…"
"I get it. Maybe you can sleep in lunch or something after you eat?" He stopped by his locker for a quick minute to put something away.
"Maybe, I dunno…" Rowan ran his fingers through his hair. "We should get to class, though."
"Yeah, yeah, I know. I just had to drop off my gym clothes." Damien kept walking.
"Yeah…" Rowan followed Damien through the halls and stopped at his classroom. "See you later, Damien."
"Yeah, man, I'll see you at lunch." Damien gave him a quick wave, hurrying off to his own class.
Rowan went into his classroom and sat down, immediately beginning to work on his makeup work again.
(Time skip to lunch is fine btw lol. Unless you wanted to make something happen before then, that is)
(I'm good with a TS! I'll go ahead and kick that off, lmao)
Damien grabbed his lunch, going to sit down at their normal spot. He immediately started eating, trying to get that out of the way as soon as possible so he could work on last-minute homework he'd forgotten about.
Rowan met up with Damien and lay his head down on the table, groaning. "Homework is shiiiiiit…" He whined.
"Preaching to the choir, man." Damien snorted. "Apparently I have math homework I forgot about."
"M'just gonna take a nap right here… I don't need food…" Rowan sighed. "I've got the worst headache right now…"
"Alright, man." Damien pulled out his work after he finished eating. "Get some water."
"Mmmmmmmmmm… but effort… I'm just gonna sleep until I die…" Rowan yawned and closed his eyes.
"C'mon, man. It'll make your head hurt less." He sighed.
"Ughhh fine…" Rowan got up on his crutches and got himself a water bottle. "Happy?"
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