"Yeah, you can check." He shifted slightly, finally able to lower his chin to a more comfortable level.
"Yeah, you can check." He shifted slightly, finally able to lower his chin to a more comfortable level.
The nurse gently touched Damien's nose, feeling it for a few seconds before pulling back. "It doesn't feel broken. It'll be tender for a day or two, most likely."
Damien pulled his head away as soon as he could. "Yeah, alright. Thanks." He put the ice pack she'd given him over his nose. "The bell rang on our way here, can I get a note? I have Mr Czechowski's class next."
"Yes, of course. I'll get one for your friend as well. Are you in the same class?" She asked, grabbing her notepad. "Yes, we are." Rowan replied.
Damien fixed the tissue stuck in his nose, cringing away when he accidentally touched the bloody part. "Yeah, we are." He wiped his hand off on the hem of his shirt. "Thanks for the help."
"Of course. I'm no stranger to a bloody nose." She smiled softly and held out a note to both boys.
"Yeah. Right. Thanks." Damien took the note, scooping his books up under his arm. He walked out with Damien. "Thanks for coming with me, man."
"No problem, Damien." Rowan smiled softly, following Damien out. "I'd be a kinda shitty friend if I didn't even try to come with you."
"Guess so." Damien sighed. He sniffled slightly, trying to ebb the flow of blood. "How's your leg feeling?"
"Meh… still twinges sometimes, but it's in a cast, so it can't exactly move much to hurt." Rowan shrugged. "I have more trouble navigating the crutches than dealing with the actual injury."
"Hell yeah." Damien responded. "At least the crutches are the most difficult part of this, that's better than the pain."
"Yeah… I just hope I'll heal up quickly so I don't have to deal with them anymore." Rowan sighed, almost getting knocked over again.
"Hope so. You just gotta be careful on your leg, I guess." Damien shrugged. He knew it wasn't great advice, but it was what he could do.
Rowan nodded. "I keep getting them caught on things. Mostly people. Thank God I haven't fallen yet."
Damien laughed, almost forgetting that they had a class to be in. "Dude, people? You hook it around people's legs or something?"
"No! I'm just… trying to walk." Rowan sighed softly. "And people keep kicking the crutches a bit."
"You mean on purpose?" He furrowed his brow a little bit.
Rowan shrugged. "I can't tell. I don't think so, but anything's possible, I guess."
"Yeah. Fair enough." Damien sighed. He opened the door to the classroom, holding out for the teacher as soon as he got inside. He handed it over before immediately going to sit down at his desk.
Rowan tried to ignore the stares he received when he walked in, but it was difficult. He'd disappeared without warning for a month, after all. He sat down beside Damien and fidgeted a bit.
Damien vaguely paid attention to the lesson. He scribbled down notes when he was supposed to, at least. But damn, was this class boring.
Rowan worked on his makeup work throughout the class, seeming very disheveled and stressed. He stayed as quiet as possible, but he was still trembling slightly.
Damien looked over at Rowan, seeing his tremors. "You good?" He mouthed. He was trying not to attract the teacher's attention.
Rowan glanced over at Damien and hesitantly nodded before returning to his work, one foot tapping silently on the ground.
Damien frowned, but turned back to his work. He wasn't exactly convinced, but he didn't want to push it.
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