"Mhmm…" Rowan sighed. "I think the bell's about to ring, Damien. We can't stick around too long."
"Mhmm…" Rowan sighed. "I think the bell's about to ring, Damien. We can't stick around too long."
"Yeah, yeah." Damien stood up, gathering his books together in preparation to leave. "I know. I'm just tryna forget about the fact that we have… three more hours of this bullshit before we can go home."
"Yeah…" Rowan sat up and stretched before hoisting himself up onto his crutches. The bell rang and he left the room with Damien.
Damien left the cafeteria, trying to readjust his books so that they wouldn't tumble out of his arms like they were threatening to do. "God.. I really don't wanna go to fucking theatre, man.." He groaned.
"You could skip, in theory. I've gotta go to… uh… English. Yeah. I probably shouldn't skip anything yet since I've still got a fuck ton of work."
"Yeah, I could.." Damien nodded. "Might hide out in the bathroom. But damn, man, that sucks. At least that teacher's understanding."
"Yeah…" Rowan sighed softly. "Thank God no one's really asked me about me being gone yet. I can't count on that staying the case, though."
"It's none of their fucking business, man." Damien glanced over. "You don't have to answer or tell them the truth or anything."
"I know, I know, I just… I'm nervous. I don't know what I'd say if they ask, you know?" Rowan sighed again.
"You just have to tell them to fuck off." Damien responded fairly bluntly. "Again, Ro, like- if someone asks you shit like that, you don't have to answer them."
"I guess so…" Rowan toyed with his hair a bit and bit his lip. "I just… I wish I was just normal. Then we wouldn't have to deal with this shit, you know? I'm really sorry, Damien…"
"Yeah, I know. Kinda preaching to the choir here." Damien laughed a little. He wove through the hallway, trying to stay in the pockets of space between people. "Uh- I'm gonna get to class, I think."
"Oh, um… okay." Rowan tried his best to keep up with Damien. "I think my class is on the way to yours, so… I'll just… uh… I'll walk with you, if that's okay?"
"Yeah. That's fine." Damien rubbed his eyes with the back of a newly freed hand. "Gotta go to fucking.. theater.. or some shit."
Rowan nodded a bit. "I've got English… I really don't feel like reading or writing shit…" He sighed. "And the teacher always assigns way too much homework."
He nodded. "Yeah- dude, I remember when I had her class, she assigned one of those dang 'get to know me' essays. Fucking crazy." Damien snorted, trying to walk fairly close to the wall. "I actually don't think I turned that in… damn."
Rowan laughed softly. "Yeah, I remember that… I actually turned mine in, though. Somehow got a hundred on it even though I put in minimal effort."
"Damn. I got an 85. Kinda miss her class, though. The senior English teachers are more interesting, I guess, but her work was a lot easier." Damien's free hand fidgeted absentmindedly.
Rowan shrugged a bit. "I guess. I'm real fucking lazy, but I get my shit done, I guess. I honestly don't pay that much attention."
"You should. I didn't pay attention in class and now I don't know jack shit about nothing." He snorted softly.
"Ughhh… but I'm probably not going to college anyway. What does it matter?" Rowan asked softly.
"I don't fucking know, man. I'm just saying you can't come crying to me when you can't do your math, 'cause I can't either." Damien stopped, leaning on the wall of his classroom. "I gotta go. I'll see you in a few hours or something?"
"Yeah… see you later, Damien." Rowan sighed and headed off to his own class, where he sat silently and idly took notes.
Truth be told, Damien sort of half-assed his way through theater class. He participated when needed, and had some fun, but otherwise treated it like any other elective.
(Should we skip to when they meet up again?)
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