forum Booorrrreeeeeeeeedddoooooooommmm
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@Painted-Iris group

Andre tried to hold back a laugh at Met's expression with the bitter taste of the drink. It failed as he chuckled into the palm of his hand.
"Excuse me for laughing, but it was hard to keep it in with your expression," he explained.

Deleted user

Met unscrunched his face and looked innocently up at his new father.
“M-my face? What about it?”

@Painted-Iris group

"It's like those baby videos where they try a lemon for the first time," Andre offered, trying to give Met a good comparison as to what said expression had been like.

Deleted user

Met tilted his head confusedly. “But I like lemons.” He did. They were nice and sour.

@Painted-Iris group

Andre suddenly was at a loss of how to explain the expression, so instead he simply imitated Met's reaction. He scrunched up his nose slightly, clenching his eyes shut. His lips were pursed as he imagined the bitter taste. It certainly was a dislike they had in common.

Deleted user

Met’s head was still tilted slightly as he observed the expression on his face. It was like he just bit into an icecube.
“Oh. I see it, now.” He gave a tiny grinw.

@Painted-Iris group

His face going back to normal, Andre smiled in return. Yawning slightly, he took another sip of his coffee. Thank the stars for caffeine. It was time for the dreaded question.
"So, are you excited for school?"

Deleted user

Met looked down at his coffee and took a sip of it. It was good. Kinda creamy. Met wasn’t sure if he liked it or not.
“I…I don’t know.”

@Painted-Iris group

Without his usual grin, Andre set a gentle hand on his shoulder.
"I hate to be stereotypical, but I'm sure you'll be fine," the adult said, attempting to be soothing. Hearing this though could also have the opposite effect. If things really did go horribly, then he would probably try to work out either online schooling. Perhaps homeschooling even?

Deleted user

Met looked down at himself, sighing softly. “I’m… I might stick out! What if they don’t like me?”

@Painted-Iris group

Parental instincts coming into action, Andre pulled his adopted son into a tight embrace. "That's their fault. You're quite the handsome and intelligent young man. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise, you got that?"

Deleted user

Met gasped softly when he was hugged, but slowly hugged back his new father.
“O-okay. I won’t let them. Thank you.”

@Painted-Iris group

"No need to thank me. Be safe," the adult said before releasing the lanky boy from the light embrace. It felt good knowing Met had a bit of a better mindset, but also a bit saddening to watch him leave.

Deleted user

Met let the other man go and crossed his hands in front of him. “I will. Thank you. What classes do I have? What grade am I in?” Met tilted his head cutely.

@Painted-Iris group

Andre sighed, sliding the paper sitting on the counter. "All of that was on the paper I tried to show you last night. However you seemed a bit busy at the time," the adult replied with a chuckle.

Deleted user

Met looked down at the paper and took it in his skinny hands. “I’m only a sophomore?” He asked softly, poking the 10 in the right corner.

@Painted-Iris group

Andre nodded. "To be fair you could probably pass as a senior based on your height alone," the adult said already turning to rise out his empty cup that formerly held coffee.
"And I do believe you were able to test into some of the higher level classes as well. Be proud of that," Andre added with a proud fatherly grin.

Deleted user

Met looked back down at the paper, squinting for his classes. AP Calc was the highest.
“What’s AP Calc?” Met asked softly, looking up.

(AP is Advanced Placement)

@Painted-Iris group

(yeah I know, I'm in AP classes actually lollll)
"Advanced Placement calculus," Andre responded, standing beside Met. "God, I barely remember anything from when I took that…" he added, more to himself than his adopted son.

Deleted user

(Lollllll sammemeeeeee ok so do you want all of Met’s classes to be AP since he’s a smartypants?)

“Oh,” Met said softly, poking the page. “Will I be able to do it?” He remembered testing for something. It was a math test. It was very easy.

@Painted-Iris group

(mmm I feel that would suck so probably just the core classes
speaking of i have homework in my ap classes so after this imma go do that)

"Sure you will," Andre said, putting a hand on Met's shoulder. Looking over the classes again, he made an effort to point out that nearly all the courses listed were advanced.