forum Booorrrreeeeeeeeedddoooooooommmm
Started by Deleted user
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Deleted user

Okay, dude, you can’t just come up in here and advertise your RP! Go away!

@Painted-Iris group

The lady shook her head and accepted the papers. “Nope. I’ll just have to make a couple copies and have Met go pack, and you two can go!”

Andre smiled, already happy he would be a father (or father figure at least) to Met. He seemed a bit distant and unsure at times, but if the boy trusted him enough for this, things would hopefully be okay.

Deleted user

Met blinked at the lady. “I pack? Now?”
“Yes, dearest, you may.” She smiled warmly at him. “If you’d like, sir, you may go with him.”

@Painted-Iris group

Andre nodded, following the lanky boy to where he usually slept there in the orphanage. Met was old enough to handle things on his own if he wished, so the adult simply stayed by the door.
"Call me if you need me," was all he said, tucking the paperwork under his arm.

Deleted user

Met opened the door. It was a tightly knit room, which was oddly clean. Met took about five minutes to pack his meager belongings into a bag. He mainly had a wallet, where he kept money from kind strangers that dropped them into the donation box out front, his keys to his old, beaten down car (bought with the dontion money), and a few pairs of clothes, as well as his rabbit-like stash of food.
“Okay. I’m ready.” He walked out of the room, which didn’t look any different.

@Painted-Iris group

Andre raised a brow when noticing how little there was, but followed Met out. He offered a small supportive smile to the boy as they continued their way out of the building.
"Anyone you'd like to say goodbye to?" He asked, remembering how the younger kids seemed to adore the young man.

Deleted user

Met chewed on his lip as he followed him. “Huh? Oh, no. I can just visit every now and then. I doubt they’ll miss me.”

@Painted-Iris group

The older man frowned lightly at Met's reasoning.
"Don't say such negative things. You're special indeed. I understand if you'd rather us be on our way however," he said, tucking his hands in his pockets. As they re-entered the front room, the shorter man held open the door for the other.

Deleted user

Met bowed his head slightly in thanks and walked outside. He inhaled slowly, half-closing his eyes as he walked down the familiar path. He remembered when he first walked it. He shivered slightly in remembrance.

@Painted-Iris group

Andre placed a supportive hand on the boy's back noticing him shiver. He suspected it was from the cold however.
"How about we go and get you those clothes, hm?"

Deleted user

Met looked down at his clothes. They were a dull gray sweats combo, with no shoes.
“No, I’m alright with these.” He looked up at Andre curiously. Who needed more than one pair of clothing?

@Painted-Iris group

Andre gestured to his bare feet, probably chilled from the cold pavement.
"Please. I'm not letting you walk around barefooted and in a single outfit for the rest of your life. I know you're old enough to care for yourself, but I'm in charge of preparing you for that. Plus, it's cold out and winter is only a few months away," the adult said, opening the door to the passenger seat of his red Honda Civic.

Deleted user

Met looked down at his feet. He really didn’t mind walking around barefoot. After all, before the orphanage, it was really all he did. And he only ever wore one stinky shirt that was a sickly orange color, and a crusted pair of shorts. It took the orphanage and CPS workers hours to convince him to take off those clothes and put on new, clean ones. They were unable to convince him to wear shoes, or socks, therefore making his old habit die hard.
“I don’t mind, though. I’ve always done this. I have to.”

@Painted-Iris group

Andre's calm demeanor changed to a stern one.
"Not anymore you don't," the man affirmed, crossing his arms and setting them on the top of the open door. His dark eyes never changed despite his more serious stance. They looked quite sad actually.

Deleted user

Met dipped his gaze a little. He could almost hear Mother’s sneer. Good boys don’t change clothes. It’s so unhealthy!
“Um… okay. I guess.”

(Also I was curious, where do you know Metaphorical “M” W. from? I don’t think I’ve mentioned him to you?)

@Painted-Iris group

(We attempted an rp with him in it and it kinda died immediately. And then M was in the character chat thing that got too chaotic)

Giving a small nod, Andre walked around to the driver's seat to start the car. Something told him that there was more to being afraid of women than Met felt comfortable with saying, but he would simply need to wait until he felt more at ease and able to talk about his past. His father before him was a very strict man, that often coming off as harsh at times. It was all he could do to simply let things happen on their own.

Deleted user

(Oh righttttt.)

Met shuffled into the passenger’s seat. He remembered being taught how to drive by someone he didn’t even know. Not by his father, as it always was in shows and movies. He buckled in and set his bag at his feet, twirling his keys in his hands nervously.

Deleted user

Met looked down at the keys, not realizing he was spinning them. “Y-yes. That’d be nice.” He continued to spin them, fidgeting in his seat.

@Painted-Iris group

Smiling, he continued on towards a local shop to purchase Met some clothing. After a couple moments of awkward silence, Andre suggested the younger male could turn on the radio if he wished. Now having custody over him, he wanted to know what he liked and disliked.

Deleted user

Met looked down at the centre console. He wasn’t sure what type of music he even liked, but he tenitively put it on anyway. He was used to loud noises, so the silence had gotten to him rather quickly.