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@Painted-Iris group

(Name: Tirrell Zhao
Gender: Male
Appearance: Loose, wavy, dark locks about ear length, grey-blue eyes, fair skin, fairly slim form, about 5'10
Personality: He's usually quite the studious person, a bit tenacious and more of an outgoing person. I'll be developing him more as we go.)

@Painted-Iris group

Tirrell tapped the end of his pencil on his cheek, feeling quite bored with himself. He only wanted the classes to begin already. Normally he wouldn't feel so eager to leave like most, but first days back were always rough. He hummed to himself along to the music playing through his headphones. Hopefully he'd get a chance to socialize with the other students as they would enter in the class. As of the current moment, it was just himself in addition to four others. It made sense seeing as most didn't care about being early.

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Met had sniffed around the school for his next class. His Trig class went very well, with a welcoming gesture from a very nice teacher. They had even pointed Met to his next class, which was AP Economics. He poked his head into the classroom once he found it and walked in, shoving his schedule back into his bag. The teacher glanced up from their computer, did a double take and beamed at him.
“Take a seat, Met!”

@Painted-Iris group

Noticing that class was about to begin, Tirrell slid his headphones off, letting them rest on his collar bones. Sighing, he noticed a tall lankier boy enter the room. It was odd that he didn't recognise him. Maybe a transfer student? Grinning, he watched as said boy took a seat nearby. Grinning, he tapped him on the shoulder, offering a bright smile.

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Met started delicately and he turned in his chair to blink at the boy behind him. He looked laid back and happy to see him, a stranger.
“Er… hello,” Met said softly, offering a slight smile in return.

@Painted-Iris group

"Hi," Tirrell greeted back simply. "I don't believe I've seen you around before. Did you transfer here?" he asked with a small tilt of his head. That was one of his easy downfalls. He was quite the curious person and sometimes didn't realized when he asked something too personal.

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Met shrugged a little. “I’m not sure. I don’t come from another school.” He didn’t quite understand how vauge this answer was. He seemed to be hoping that Tirrell would just understand.

@Painted-Iris group

"Ah, homeschool then?" the shorter boy asked, not waiting for a response. "Don't worry about things, you get pretty used to the class rotation fairly soon," Tirrell added. Nearly forgetting himself, said boy stuck out his hand to the stranger. "Met, right? I'm Tirrell, happy to meet you."

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Met opened his mouth to tell him that he was an orphan, but blinked as he was interrupted.
“O-oh, yes it’s Met.” He gently took the other’s hand in his big, skinny one.

@Painted-Iris group

"What classes do you have after this? I'm curious if we have any others together," Tirrell said, his voice sounding a bit giddy. It wasn't often he had the chance of talking to someone new. Strangers just made things new and exciting. The smaller boy now drummed his fingers on his desk, seeming a bit impatient. It wasn't his fault he came off that way, he just wanted to be friendly.

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“Oh,” Met said softly pulling his schedule out of his pocket. The smaller boy’s tip tapping on the desk was making him feel worried and unsafe for some odd reason.
“I have AP World Studies and after that I have… third lunch.”

@Painted-Iris group

At Met's response, he stopped tapping his fingers and gave a warm grin. "Ah, I had that second period. Teacher's pretty fun, so as long as you stay interested, you'll live. I do have the same lunch though," Tirrell responded cheerily.

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Met grinned faintly once the tapping stopped and he visibly relaxed. “That’s nice. Do you have any friends to eat with during that lunch period?”

@Painted-Iris group

Met grinned faintly once the tapping stopped and he visibly relaxed. “That’s nice. Do you have any friends to eat with during that lunch period?”

Tirrell nodded. "You're welcome to a seat with us," the shorter boy offered. He seemed a bit confused with how stiff Met had been, but decided not to ask. It might have been that he was coming off as too impatient with the tapping.

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Met blinked a couple times, confused. How had he gotten this far with someone already?
“I’d love to sit with you and your friends. It would be nice.” Hopefully…

@Painted-Iris group

"Sounds great," Tirrell responded simply, offering another smile. He sighed as the second bell rung signaling that class had begun. He would hopefully get the chance to talk with Met a bit more later. The lanky boy had something about him that intrigued him.

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Met grinned lightly back in return before scooting back around in his chair. He fidgeted around in the tint desk, struggling to fit his long legs under it at first, but he finally managed. He just hoped he wouldn’t need anything from his bag, which was at his side.