[TIME SKIP - Elle's POV, three days later]
"Shit," I cursed under my breath, dropping to my knees to peer under my bed. "Where the hell is it?" Scylla, who was curled up on my pillow, stirred. "Elle? What's wrong?" Her deeper, melodious voice caught me off guard—Neither of us had quite adjusted to the changes made with her recent evolution. "It's my ring.." I muttered aloud. Rising to my feet, I did another sweep of the room. "I can't–I can't find it anywhere—"
We searched together, but my finger remained bare, and the little golden band was nowhere to be seen. "Shit." A note of panic slipped into my voice. Scylla butted my leg in a way that was supposed to be reassuring, but only ended up spiking me with a newly formed horn. "Did you leave it somewhere?" she asked sweetly, growing anxious at my obvious distress. "When did you last have it?"
"I….I didn't do much today…Just training, and—" My eyes grew wide. "Oh! I must have left it in Colton's room–Or the armoury–I don't think I had it when I got back." Before I knew what had come over me, I'd grabbed the binder from the box beneath my bed and was wrapping it firmly around my chest. "Wait—Elle, you can't go out now. If you get caught…"
I shook my head. "No, I have to get the ring. I can't–I can't just leave it to be found by someone else. Come on, we'll be careful."
A few minutes later, and I was fully dressed, creeping cautiously along the wall of the corridor. Shadows stretched across the floor, disrupted only by the occasional shaft of moonlight that slipped through the sparse windows and heavy cloud cover. "It might rain tonight…" Scylla murmured to fill the silence. "So we should be quick….Go to Colton's room, first. Are you sure he won't be upset?"
I wasn't, but it was too late to turn back now. Soon enough, I found myself knocking on his front door.