I placed my fingertips lightly on the curving point of our kitchen tap, closing my eyes and tapping into my power. I imagined opening a up a pair of floodgates just enough for the right amount of power to trickle through….. And I succeeded. Thirty seconds later, I found myself with a perfect, gently spinning sphere of moonlit water.
I loved the sensations that came when I used my power—the sheer quantity of magic at my disposal. Rushing through my bloodstream, flooding my entire body. God, it felt so freeing. Like I was riding smoothly across the waves of my little cove at home, the wind whipping my hair back like a sail.
Eventually, though, I let the water trickle from the air into my mouth, offering the rest to Scylla when I was done. By now, my frenzied heart had slowed, my body and mind sinking into the calm, serene atmosphere that the night alone had cast over me. Soothed, my mind set straight, I headed back to my room with Scylla, a soft yawn escaping from my mouth.
But when I turned my doorknob and slipped inside, I almost screamed. There, in the middle of my dinky lit bedroom, was a tall, dark figure. Stumbling backwards in shock, I hit blindly for the light switch—and froze.
“Colton?” What on earth was he doing here, in my bedroom, at three in the morning after having been gone for a whole week?? The first thing I noticed was how haggard he looked, how beaten up. My worry surged, and I took a step forward. “Are you——“ Then, my eyes fell on the object in his hands.
And the blood drained from my face.