forum berries and bread rolls (1x1closed)
Started by @IcarusFightsTheSun book

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@IcarusFightsTheSun book

"yeah ok." they say and leave the food a little ways from camp, and head back into their tent.

the next morning they get up at sunrise again and start packing up anything they won't need until ash wakes up. after they're done dom takes a walk through the woods, 'you know i don't actually know much about ash.' they think. dom gets sidetracked on the way back and ends up coming back about an hour later with four full flower crowns and one in progress.

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

“Good night.” Ash nods before retiring to her tent for the night. However, she comes back out a moment later and draws a symbol in the dirt. The new mark gave a brief faint light as the others activated with it. It wasn't much and wouldn't harm either her or Dommity but would deter any predators that might get too close to their campsite.

Unlike her traveling companion, Ash doesn't wake at sunrise. But when she does it is still earlier than the day before. As she exits her tent she takes care to clear away the rune from last night.

@IcarusFightsTheSun book

in all honesty dommity forgot ash was with them, they also mostly forgot what ash was doing there, "oh! uh, hey? wait… hang aren't yo-. sorry never mind, i just forgot you came with me." they say with an awkward laugh, "i'm not exactly used to traveling with other people. ummm, do you want a flower crown?" dom says holding them out.

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Ash looks up when Dommity speaks, a little confused at the jumble of words at first. But she soon joins in with a soft giggle. “It's alright.” she assures, accepting the beautiful flower crown and placing it on her head. “Thank you.”

@IcarusFightsTheSun book

dom finishes the last flower crown and packs up camp. right before they leave they hang the other crowns on trees around the campsite in a loose circel as a small offering and gives a nod of respect, then left. after a bit dom remembers something they were thinking about earlier, "well ash i was thinking maybe we should get to know each other a bit more? i mean we're practically strangers."

@IcarusFightsTheSun book

"umm i dunno. so what do you do in your free time?" they say, wincing as they said it, 'wow… i can't believe i just said something so bland.' "i-i mean…. yeah i don't even know where that was going." dom says with a sigh, "well i guess is there anything i should know about you? like if you're secretly a mass murderer or something?" they said with a grin.

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Ash looks at Dommity in surprise at the last question, but laughs when she realizes that it's only a joke. “Of course, I am not.” she shakes her head. “And your first question was better.” she smiles. “To answer, when I'm not experimenting or helping someone, I like to garden.”

@IcarusFightsTheSun book

"oh, that's nice. i guess it makes sense." they say, hesitating. 'should i tell her about how i left the mountain?' dom thought, "so what about your favorites? like color or foods, mine are blue and bread roll. but not blue bread rolls, that'd just be weird." they said matter of factly.

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Ash covered her mouth to hide another laugh at the way Dommity tried to explain, it was just so… silly but cute. “Well, my favorite color is actually a tie between red and green.” she admitted. “And my favorite food is wild berries. I don't have much of a preference over which kind of berries they are. Blueberries, strawberries, mulberries… I like them all.”

@IcarusFightsTheSun book

they thought for a bit, trying to remember which berries those were. dom always had trouble remembering the names of things and started fidgeting with the flower crown, leaving a trail of buttercups and daisies, "strawberries?… the red ones with the seeds on the outside, right?" they said, a little embarrassed.

@IcarusFightsTheSun book

their face lit up at the words and they blushed, "really?! i-i mean, thanks." they never had much of an education, so it meant a great deal that ash thought of them that way. they dropped the rest of the flowers and checked the map, "we should be there in two more days. the mountains i mean." they added quickly, "we can rest when we get here, it shouldn't take more than 4 hours." dom says, pointing to a town on the map.

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

“Really.” Ash nodded, smiling at Dommity as she glanced at the map. Though she left the flowers in her hair. “That sounds promising. I hope that we can make it back to k the village with a cure in time.” she admitted with a soft sigh.

@IcarusFightsTheSun book

a long time later, they broke out of the line of trees and found themselves on a road right in front of a large town. as they got closer a sign came into view reading: Welcome to Windenberg! "well, i do believe that means we've reached our destination m'lady." dom said, quite pround they didn't get lost at all.

@IcarusFightsTheSun book

they walked around town until Dommity found the local bakery, "here we are, the best bakers ever! at least these are the only bakers that give me free stuff because im poor." they said excitedly, and held the door for ash.