forum Author/Character Roleplay | One-On-One w/ Swim
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Deleted user

( Goodness I love that term, veiled threat. )

Dashan stared in astonishment at Felix. He'd taken on such a proud form, something so strong. He backed up, a little, as if he was to appear weaker than Felix himself. "You know you created me with a little more power here, don't try and challenge me." He said, dumbly. Honestly, he didn't even think. He tried to look a little cooler than before, as if to possibly threaten Felix. He wasn't thinking at all.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Felix stared Dashan down, not really believing this. Dashan thought he could threaten Felix? The creator of this entire world?
"Exactly. I created you with that power. I can take it away just as easily." Felix took a step forward as Dashan took his steps back.
"Don't test me."

Deleted user

Dashan growled. "Do it, then. I'd love to see my ever gracious lord take away the powers of his most respected creation." He muttered. He froze where he was, halting his steps. "Battle me, end me, you know you wouldn't dare." Dashan muttered.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Felix scowled a little. His hand twitched a little, something that happened when he was getting mad.
"Is that what you think?" He said coldly. Before, he'd been friendly, a little amazed by Dashan. Now, though? He was getting pissed, and for once in his life he had power to do something about it. He wasn't about to let that go to waste.

He clenched his hand into a fist, forcing Dashan to his knees with just a thought. He stepped forward, towering over him. He reached down, taking Dashan's chin in his hand.
"Don't test me," he said. This, this wasn't the nice Felix from before. This was one who wouldn't hesitate from torturing Dashan, taking everything away from him and leaving him to rot.

Deleted user

Dashan felt a ripple of fear run through his skin, and he suppressed it as best as he could. "Shut up. I'd slice that hand of yours off before you even h-had the chance to move against me." He said. Instinct told him to escape, apologize, and bow towards the guy, but instinct and Dashan were known to be bitter enemies. He slid his hand towards the hilt of his sword.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Felix, at first, thought of stopping Dashan. But… he knew the sword wouldn't be able to hurt him. It'd just bounce right off his skin, not leaving a single scratch. And… he wanted Dashan to see that. See how helpless he was against Felix. He caught the stutter too, knowing Dashan was scared. He leaned in close, speaking in Dashan's ear.
"Only if I let you," he said quietly, and he couldn't help but smile. Dashan really was at his whim. Felix could do anything.

Deleted user

Dashan, in an instant, forced Felix off of him and took a good swing at Felix's neck. If it'd connected right, it would have blown a lethal slice. But, it didn't. The sword was almost nothing, it didn't do ANYTHING to Felix at all. Dashan growled. "No, no, no!" He said, frustration lacing his words.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Felix smirked a little. This felt good. He'd managed to keep his balance when Dashan pushed him away, not bothered by this encounter.
"What, you're little sword didn't do what you wanted it to?" He took a step back up to Dashan, right in front of him.
"You aren't scared, are you? After all, I can do anything to you." He pushed Dashan back easily.
"I can make you do anything." He flicked his wrist, and Dashan was forced to drop his sword, body moving how Felix wanted it.

Deleted user

Dashan shivered a little more, and it was more noticeable now. Suddenly, as he was going to respond, he lost touch of his own limbs. He felt controlled, and for that matter, he was. The sword hit the ground, and Dashan was in ultimate fear. He couldn't speak willingly, so he thought instead. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, let me go, please." He cried, in his mind.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Felix made Dashan slide down to his knees again, forcing him to bow down. After a moment of Dashan's pleas, he let go of his hold on Dashan's body. He reached down, taking Dashan's chin in his hand as he had before.
"Don't test me again," he said cooly, tapping Dashan's cheek with his finger. "I won't be so nice next time."

Deleted user

Dashan whimpered softly before feeling Felix's grasp let him loose. "I won't, I won't, I'm sorry…" He whispered, submissively. He held back the last retort he could have thought of, but he wondered what Felix could do. "What if I did something… again?" He thought.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Felix let go of Dashan's chin, patting his head.
"Good," he said. He heard the last part, too, and he bent down to speak into Dashan's ear again.
"I'll do whatever the hell I want to, and you'll take it with a smile." He chuckled a little, pulling away.
"Now stand up."

Deleted user

Dashan stood up, just as Felix had told him to. A scowl took on his fearful face, he honestly wasn't in the mood to be so low. "What if I don't want that." He asked, a little demandingly. "I want free will, you know." He complained.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

"And you have it," Felix said. "So long as you behave." Felix turned, walking down the path. It was obvious he expected Dashan to follow him.
"Of course, you're the only one in this world who does," he said casually.

Deleted user

Dashan hesitated a little, eyeing the path Felix walked with suspicion. He slowly came to follow him, but made sure to stay a foot behind him. "T-Thanks, I guess." He replied. His words still contained a small stutter. He became a slight amount more aware of his surroundings.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Felix grunted in response to Dashan, not really paying much attention to him. Now, he was just examing his handiwork, studying the world around them. The path took them into the forest, somewhere Dashan would have been many times before. After a moment, he glanced back at Dashan. He wasn't quite sure if he liked the way their relationship had soured so quickly, but he could live with it.
"Keep up," he said. "If you fall behind you'll pay for it."

Deleted user

"S-Sorry." Dashan hurried his steps up, as he noticed where Felix was heading. He peered around him, making sure none of their enemies were around. He almost felt as if he had to make it up to Felix. It was all his fault for being so cruel, but oh well, he's getting exactly what he deserved. He made sure he had his sword, he'd picked it up before they left the area. Who knew, he might have had to use it again. "You really did a nice job, you know." He muttered.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

How exactly does one go about making something up to your creator? Felix walked with calm assurance through the forest, knowing no enemies would appear unless he let them.
"Of what?" He said, wanting Dashan to say it out loud. "And speak up, I can hardly make you out when you mutter."

Deleted user

"The trees, mostly." Dashan spoke a little louder with those words. "I love them. Every little color, every texture, you designed the trees so nicely." He said. He was at a normal tone then, at least he had that much confidence. He sped his walk up, a little more, so that it almost exactly matched Felix's. "But everything is beautifully designed." He summarized his thoughts.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Felix glanced over at Dashan. Suck up. Still, he took the compliment. It was better than nothing. He was glad he didn't have to turn his head as much to look at Dashan, too. That was the only reason he let Dashan walk next to him.
"I'm most proud of you," Felix admitted.

Deleted user

"That's heartwarming." Dashan replied. He let Felix's words simmer in his mind, and honestly felt relieved he still felt that way. "You were truly gracious to allow me such a gorgeous world to live in, and such great friends." He purred. His spirits were in a better place now, and he was less into himself. He felt as if he was already getting somewhere. "Phew, he doesn't entirely hate me after that." He thought.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Suck up~ Felix thought again, and he bit back a chuckle. How could he hate Dashan, when he was the one to make Dashan like this? He'd always seen Dashan as a better version of himself.
"It's the least I could do," Felix said, chuckling a little. "You get into enough trouble on your own. Last thing I needed to do was screw with this world."