forum Author/Character Roleplay | One-On-One w/ Swim
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@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

"Hmm… It won't hurt to try, right?" Felix said. He picked his pen up again, hesitating for a moment before righting.
There was a pause, and silence. That's when Felix appeared before Dashan. Felix could see Dashan, but he could also still see his living room. Like he was both places at once. He closed his eyes, and now he was just looking at Dashan. He gave a nervous smile.

Deleted user

Dashan pretty much screamed for a few seconds, like, he was really freaking out about that. "I-It's really you, in the shadows, with me!" He exclaimed, finally calming down a little bit. He honestly couldn't comprehend how much power Felix had! "This is so cool," He muttered. "And you look great, not going to lie." He said, giving Felix his own personal ego boost.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Felix flinched a little when Dashan screamed but kept smiling.
"Yeah, it's me," he said. He himself was trying to stay calm. "Ah- thanks!" Felix felt really good talking to Dashan. He took a few steps forward, amazed himself. He'd never actually seen Dahsan, not like this.

Deleted user

Dashan gently brought a hand up to Felix's face, and poked his cheek. He felt it, as if Felix was actually there. "Oh goodness, you're like, I can feel your actual skin-" He marveled. It wasn't everyday that a creator got to meet their character, or vice versa. His eyes filled with the most surprise he'd ever held before.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Felix put his hands in his pockets, giggling a little when Dashan poked his cheek. He was amazed too, he could feel Dashan. Absolutely amazed.
"This is weird," he said quietly. "I never thought I'd get to meet you."

Deleted user

"I honestly didn't even know you before today, so just the thought of speaking to you made my day," Dashan countered, with a soft laugh. "But this," He interjected. "This is nothing like I'd ever imagined." He finished. "But you, are you sure you can find a way out?" He asked. What if he's stuck here with me?

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Felix paused for a moment, thinking. He closed his eyes, and when he opened them he was back to seeing in both spots.
"I'll be able to leave just fine," he said with a soft smile, closing his real eyes again so he could focus on Dashan.

Deleted user

"Phew. I would have been worried for you, bad guys are everywhere here." Dashan joked, with a laugh. "But that's what our sword is for, right?" He asked. He was honestly so proud of his sword's existence once he figured out that Felix gave it to him. It was such a great thing to have around, especially at night.

( I assume Felix's story was one of those fantasy-action types. With a tavern, goblins, y'know. That genre. It seemed to fit. )

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(I figured too ^w^)
"I know," Felix said. He didn't go into detail about how he controled those too, though. Didn't want to give up to much at once.
"And that sword is your's." He smiled. "I have no claim on it anymore."

Deleted user

( Good assumption, then! Sometimes I mess stuff up and it's relieving right now! )

"You're its original creator. Don't you dare tell me you surrender your half of it." Dashan snapped. He realized what he did, and suddenly he had a 180 degree attitude change. "I'm so sorry, sorry, Felix." He said, rubbing the back of his neck.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Felix blinked a little at the snap, but it wasn't really surprising to him. He waved his hand a little.
"If I had that mentality, I'd technically own you, and I don't like the thought of that."

Deleted user

Dashan suddenly realized how awful that sounded, and he immediately shook his head. 'Nope. Nope. Never." He grimaced at the thought. "How about you make this shadowy stuff go away so I can show the world here to you?" He asked. 'Immediate subject change, nice.' He thought.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Felix understood Dashan not liking the idea either.
"Sure," Felix said, shifting easily into the new subject. After a few moments, the shadows pulled away, revealing the world around them. Dashan's friend still wasn't anywhere to be seen, though.

Deleted user

( Trying not to laugh about the friend- I'm in class and I look ridiculous right now haha. )

"Welcome to the tavern! My friend and I were talking about my sword but then, he kinda disappear, the world ended, you're here, and here we are now." Dashan exclaimed. It was a wooden building, partially made of stone as well. A little beer keg sat behind a counter with the oldest cash register atop it. Tiny three-person tables were everywhere. And the fireplace, oh it was magnificent to Dashan. "I really like the way it is, it's beautiful." He purred.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Felix nodded, looking around and taking the tavern in. He'd had fun designing it- especially the fireplace. It was amazing to see all of this in person.
"It really is," Felix said softly, grinning widely.

Deleted user

( Going to have to go at any given time, fair warning. )

"You know, you must be an architect of everything. You made me, and this bomb tavern, and my sword! You made so many perfect things." Dashan giggled. He absolutely loved the world he was in, and wouldn't trade it for anything.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(Okay, thanks!)

Felix actually blushed a little. No one had ever really said his worldbuilding, or even his writing in general, was good, so this was nice. Even if it was coming from his character.
"I-I suppose so," he said, shy.

Deleted user

( Swim, you alright? Also, school let out early due to sickness, I'm back now. )

Dashan grabbed Felix's hand, as he raced outside of the tavern. The world around him was magnificent, he felt so proud of how he knew the creator of his surroundings. "You ought to give yourself more credit." He said, with a smirk.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(Eh, I've got a head cold. Nothing too bad tho)

Felix shrugged, but he was smiling.
"If you say so," he said. He looked around, just taking everything in. It was exactly like how he had imagined it, but… more. More detail, more everything, than he had seen in his mind. And it was beautiful. He smiled softly.

Deleted user

( Mmmk. I'll be praying. Xx )

Dashan pointed to a little swing that hung from a tree. "Hey, you write my life…" He muttered. "You're the one that made me fall out of that swing one day." He said. He laughed, rubbing the back of his neck. "Karma's gonna get you." He said, practically dragging Felix over to it, a giddy smile overtaking his facial expression.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(Thank you <3)
(Also, when do you think would be a good time for the drama of Felix getting a god-complexion and forcing Dashan to do stuff?)

Felix laughed lightly.
"I don't control everything, not all the time. That one's on you." He remembered the scene- he hadn't been planning on Dashan falling out of the swing, but that's what he saw Dashan doing, so that's what he wrote. Felix let Dashan pull him over to the swing, happy.

Deleted user

( Hmm. Possibly after Dashan makes some form of remark. Like, we could grow the tensions a little further, and then Felix could let himself shine? )

Dashan seated Felix in the swing. It was a little wooden board held up by two different ropes. He pushed the thing, and little by little it gained height. He tried to use some form of magic on Felix to see if it'd work, and it didn't. So he completely just gently shoved him out of it, at about two and a half feet off of the ground. He was sheepish, he couldn't hurt Felix that bad.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Felix was a bit surprised by Dashan having him sit in the swing, but he went with it. He held onto the swing, smiling a little. His eyebrows creased a little when he felt Dashan trying to use his magic on himself, but let it pass. He realized Dashan meant to push him out of the swing a bit too late, falling off with a thud. A dark shadow fell across his face, and he didn't turn to face Dashan yet.
"Seems someone's trying to take karma into his own hands," he said darkly.

Deleted user

Dashan glared a little. He meant it playfully, but honestly he looked to real to just have been playing. "Of course. I like power, my king." He said. With a little sass, he rested his hands on his hips. "But you should know that.." He whispered. With a suspicious shine in his eyes, he held a hand out to Felix. He wanted to help him up, haha.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Felix ignored Dashan's hand, standing up on his own.
"I'm no king," he said cooly. He looked at Dashan, hands in his pockets. Even like this, he was intimidating, with the aura he gave off. He was the maker of this world, after all. He was god to Dashan.
"And I know you like it a bit too much for your own good." This could be taken as a veiled threat.