Marco hummed, "That… I'd appreciate that…" he said softly, not wanting to seem weak, but knowing full well he was in a vulnerable mindset. "I don't think anyone's going to find us down here anytime soon… but… after that…"
"Okay, then I'm going to come with you." Oci smiled slightly. "Tell me when you're ready to move– and probably get us out of the caves, because I have no idea where we are right now– and I'll get us to my apartment. Then we can discuss plans to flee the country."
Marco nodded, "Kay…" he murmured, pressing against him a little more in search of comfort.
Oci smiled a little wider and absent mindedly started tracing circles on Marco's back. There were so many terrible things to think about, but those could wait.
Marco relaxed a little bit against the other, not wanting to think too much about anything.
"Are you ready to go?" Oci asked softly. "It would probably be better to get going before they get organized." He really didn't want to leave, but he knew that after too much time, it would be near impossible to get around undetected.
Marco sighed, mostly because no, he wasn't ready to leave. And yes, the had to before the guards swarmed the castle, making it impossible to escape. "Yeah… let's move" he said softly, movin to his feet, suddenly realizng that the other had been holding him, and was very grateful for the fact that blushing didn't show up well on dark skin.
"Okay, then." Oci nodded and let Marco go as soon as he got to his feet. "You'll have to lead the way out, though, because I have no idea where we are." He gave a quick laugh and shuffled his feet a little on the floor. He wasn't quite sure where their relationship stood at the moment. Were they still just partners, or were they friends, or…?
(Was this originally a romance? If not then it is now, kinda)
Marco nodded, "I can lead us back" he said softly, not sure what to think of anything at this moment, whether it was his life, their relationship, or his own life goals. But he could push that aside for now, focusing on getting them out safely.
(I think it was.)
"Okay, good. I'd hate to be stuck in this case until the guards finally wander down here." Oci laughed again, feeling very awkward. "I'll just… Follow you. Ignis." He held up his hand, anticipating them going back down the dark passageway they came from.
Marco nodded, gesturing for him to follow as he led him back into the dark passageway, going much faster this time, as he wasn't straining his eyes to search for stuff.
Oci hurried after Marco, glad for the fast pace. There were a lot of things he didn't want to do, and right at the very top was getting caught in the castle after he'd assisted with killing the king.
Marco kept a brisk pace, quickly leading them back to the main chamber and the stairs to the dungeon, climbing the cautiously.
As they got closer to the actual castle, Oci's hand drifted closer and closer to his knife. When they got to the lit-up areas, Oci extinguished the fire. He was getting quite tense now that they were basically in the castle. One wrong move could land then both in a lot of trouble. It wasn't exactly a comforting thought.
Marco had his staff at the ready as he crept up into the dungeon, tense as he led the way, hoping to get back to the secret passageways before they were spotted.
Oci kept glancing around nervously, waiting for a sound that might alert them to a guard's presence. There was definitely a commotion in the castle above them, but it didn't appear to have made it all the way down there yet.
Marco gestured to him, leading him to a passage, quickly getting them inside. "We should be safe until we get to the castle gardens…" he said softly.
"Awesome. I've always wanted to have a fight to the death in a royal garden." Oci laughed nervously. "Can we not just go out the way we came in? Or will they know to go that way?"
Marco shook his head, "We can't go out that way, simply because the tunnels don't connect, and if they do, I don't know where." he said softly.
"Oh, okay." Oci nodded. "Once we get to the gardens, what should I expect? Another tunnel? Or an escape in the open?" He pulled his knife from the sheath and held it at the ready.
Marco hummed, "If we can make it to the outer wall, then I should be able to guide us to another tunnel, but after that I got nothing…"
"Alright. If you get us into the city, or at least near the city, then I can get us to a safe house." Oci looked at Marco. "Then… I guess we're running away together." He smiled playfully.
Marco nodded, "I'll do my best." he said, before setting off down the passageway, hoping to lead them out of here alive.
"I have no doubt that you will." Oci gave Marco a smile and followed him down the hallway. He was praying that the castle would still be in too much chaos to notice the two of them making their escape.
It took several minutes for them to get to the garden exit, at which pint Marco paused and pulled up his hood. "Ready to make a break for it?" he asked quietly.