@MarDeColores this is not it kids
Oci stuffed the rest of the bread in his mouth and brushed his hands off. He slung the backpack back over his shoulder and ran a hand through his hair. "Okay, then. Let's go. We're off to kill the king."
Oci stuffed the rest of the bread in his mouth and brushed his hands off. He slung the backpack back over his shoulder and ran a hand through his hair. "Okay, then. Let's go. We're off to kill the king."
Marco nodded, getting to his feet then shifting back into a horse, waiting for the other to mount.
Oci pulled himself onto the horse with a little more grace than before and got himself comfortable. "Let's hope the path still leads to where we need to go." He muttered to himself, glancing down the road.
Marco neighed in response, his thoughts echoing that statement as he trotted of.
Oci watched as the forest passed on either side. The constantly falling leaves made it difficult to see very far into the depths, which made him nervous. There could be things hiding in there, just waiting for them to lower their guard.
(I promise I'm not abandoning you, but I'm not gonna reply or ahile)
('Kay, I'm back now!)
Oci watched as the forest passed on either side. The constantly falling leaves made it difficult to see very far into the depths, which made him nervous. There could be things hiding in there, just waiting for them to lower their guard.
Marco wasn't focusing on anything around him, just the path in front of him, the sound of his hooves on cobblestone, and the weight of the other on his back.
(Oof, I have to leave in about 5 minutes…)
Oci's hand strayed to his knife. The familiar grip relaxed him slightly, although he was still quite nervose. But what could be expected so deep in this cursed forest? He stopped looking to the sides and instead looked in front of them.
Marco kept going, his pace steady as he focused on the sound of his hooves, continuing further into the trees with a somber attitude.
"Wait, wait!" Oci exclaimed, peering down the road. "It looks like the road is ending up there, doesn't it?" He pulled his knife out and held it ready. If this really was the place, he wanted to be ready.
Marco slowed a little at his initial cry, before speeding up again as the other spoke, seeing the same thing not far off.
As they came to the end of the road, a huge valley opened up before them. In the center was the crumbling ruin of a castle made of dark grey stone. "I think that's it," Oci whispered, leaning close to Marco's neck. "What do you think? It certainly looks spooky enough."
Marco gave an agitated neigh of agreement, prancing skittishly before lowering his head in a signal for the other to get off, the death aura radiating from the valley making him feel sick.
Oci slid off the horse and took a few cautious steps towards the edge of the valley. The road was already disappearing here, stones half-sunk into the earth or crumbling to dust. There was a particular smell in the air as well, almost like… "Do you smell cinnamon?" Oci asked, his eyebrows creasing.
Marco didn't answer, shifting back and taking a deep breath, before staggering over to the ditch and losing his breakfast. Coming back up after a few moments, he sighed. "Y-Yeah.. I do smell it…" he murmured, trying not to be sick again thanks to the overwhelming aura.
"Ooh, you okay?" Oci asked, turning to look at Marco. Something almost like concern was visible in his eyes, although it vanished after a few seconds. "Is it the cinnamon or the aura?" He turned back to the valley and looked down at the ground, which fell sharply towards the castle. It would be a difficult descent.
(Sorry, long convo on humanity's stupidity)
"Yeah… yeah I'm okay…" he said softly, "It's the aura… I actually used to be quite fond of cinnamon…" he sighed, "Now it's ruined for me…" he sighed. "Just give me a moment to get used to the intensity and we can keep going.."
"Alright, then." Oci twirled the knife around in his hand with a practiced air. "We'll have to be careful going down. It looks super steep." He waved the knife at the slope. "I wonder why it smells like cinnamon, though. That seems too nice smell to be here."
Marco nodded, "I don't know about you, but I may just fly down…" he said softly, "Or shift into a mouse and hide in your pocket for a little.."
"I wouldn't mind carrying you for a while, if that's what you want to do," Oci said, looking over his shoulder at Marco. "That would probably be better, anyway. One less person bumbling their way down there. If it's just me, then maybe there won't be as much noise." He grinned at Marco before looking back at the castle.
Marco hummed, "Sure… and it'll give me time to work up a resistance.." he said softly, coming over to him and then shifting into a small, bone thin mouse. looking up at Oci.
Oci leaned down and carefully picked up Marco, depositing him in his pocket. "Okay, then." Oci took a deep breath and started making his way down the steep slope. Every once in a while a rock would tumble down the slope, or Oci would slip a few inches down, which made his heart jump right out of his chest.
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