forum And They Were Roommates (4/4)
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@Rvan group

“Yeah, no one will force you to stay. I’ll probably sneak off in the end anyways,” Mitch said, not realizing the hint of sadness in his eyes leaking out of his eyes. He managed to smile anyways, “When’s the last time you’ve been to a party or something like this, Kyo?”

Deleted user

"No. It's loud and I am not taking care of drunk friends, again." He growled, remembering the only time he had gone to a party last year, he was the driver and had to take care of everyone.

@Rvan group

“Fine,” Mitch said dejectedly, pouting just a little bit. “But if you change your mind at all during the day, I’d be really happy if you came with us,” He told him, managing a smile. He didn’t plan on getting drunk until the very end anyways, but even then he didn’t plan to go back to the apartment either so he hoped he wouldn’t be too much of a burden for his friends.

Deleted user

Kyo sighed, he really didn't want to go out. "Fine, but I'm finding the least populated spot and doing some studying." He compromised, mouth in a frown. "And I'm not being the only sober one."

@Rvan group

“Really?” Mitch’s face lit up, “Yay,” He grinned from ear to ear. He enjoyed being around his human friends quite a bit, they made him feel normal. Mitch certainly didn’t like being in a crowd of strangers, especially because he was an incubus. Sometimes he just felt cursed, but his roommates always helped him distract himself.


Ari sighed. He had been silent for a while. "I won't get drunk, okay? A little tipsy, maybe, but I'll do my best not to get drunk." Human liquor didn't affect him much anyways. He had to drink a large amount for it to make him drunk. Enough that it would probably cause most people to immediately begin throwing up. Then again, he was Djinn, not human.

Deleted user

"I'll be the driver. I don't trust any of you behind the wheel." Kyo said with a sigh. Even if he did drink anything, his body rejected the effects of it. Plus, beer was disgusting. He flopped onto the couch and pulled out his phone to scroll through his Tumblr.

@Rvan group

Mitch looked in the mirror, fixing his hair and double checking he had everything. Keys, check. Wallet, check. Cash in the wallet, check. He smiled a bit at himself, undoing a few buttons on his white shirt before walking out of the bathroom, “You all ready to go?” He was wearing jeans and his usual plain black beanie, along with a charming smile.

Deleted user

Kyo had back on his hobo jacket and a dark blue Ravenclaw beanie. "Yeah, we're taking your car and I'm driving." His mom mode was activated alright.

@Rvan group

“Alright,” Mitch agreed with a smile, undoing one more button on his shirt for good measure before holding out his keys for Kyo to take. “Thank you for coming with. I’ll try to make it so you won’t regret it.”


Ari came out of his room. He was wearing a loose, knit cap, along with a pale grey t shirt and loose jeans. He was, as always, barefoot. "I'm still invited, right?" He asked with a slight smile. "Or do I need to drive myself?"

Deleted user

"Of course. And put some shoes on, I don't want you getting shards of beer glass in your feet." Kyo fussed. Seelies are naturally protective and motherly.


Ari nodded, then sighed. "Why? I don't like shoes!" For a centuries old Djinn, he sure sounded like a whiny child at that moment. "They pinch my feet and my toes can't breathe!"

Deleted user

"Nope, we'll find you some sandles." My pointed a finger to the others chest like a mother. "I bought you some last friday, they're sitting in your closet."


Ari wrinkled his nose. "Hmph. Fine." He replied grumpily. He went and found the sandels, putting them on, then coming back. He stomped a little bit to get his feet used to them.

Deleted user

"Okay, we wait for one more man baby then we're off." Kyo muttered, pulling out his phone and checking something off a list.


Callista came to join her roommates, wearing a purple headscarf that matched her knee-length casual dress along with black flats. "Sorry for the wait, are we ready to go?"

@Rvan group

“I’m all ready,” Mitch said with a small smile. Tonight would be fun, except for the last part. Hanging out with friends was nice. Drinking so much that he forgot what he did, not so much.

Deleted user

"Okay, I trust you the most Callista, so you're sitting upfront with me," Kyo stated, nodding and walking out the door and holding it open for the other baby children.


Ari cocked his head slightly."Man baby?" he echoed. "I'm not a child!" he protested as he went out the door. "I may act like one, but I'm in my twenties!"

Deleted user

"… Man baby." Kyo decided, twirling the keys around his fingers. "Let's go before I decide we aren't going."


Ari groaned, sitting down in the backseat and getting buckled. "I am not a man baby!" he said grumpily, crossing his arms and slouching in his seat.

Deleted user

"Everyone raise your hand if you think he's a man-baby." Kyo said, rasing an eyebrow as he watched everyone get into the car.