Tobias lead them out the door and down the stairs where they came from. They went out the door, and down the sidewalk off-campus. "So…." He glanced at Firiko. "What was that magic that made your wings almost disappear?" He kept his voice down a little. I'm just a tad curious….
"It's a simple illusion" responded Firiko, as he followed, the kid down the street.
"…Illusion….?" He was the slightest memorized, as magic was a simple thing that was left far in the past, and that hardly made an appearance anymore in this world. That sounds neat…. "That's… Cool."
He approached the door and turned the dorknob, unaware that his palm contained a chip that the door scanned and unlocked when sensored.
He lead them inside. "One thing Megan forgot to tell you is try not to be too reckless…. I learned that kind of the hard way."
"Easy enough" said Rio looking back at the others, * I just hope that the usual trouble passes us by for once*
"Now I heard someone's going to write her stuff up…." Tobias wandered into her office area and got her computer started up. Hopefully they have some knowledge on how a computer works… Or else this whole thing'll be a wreck…
Skye nodded, "You show me how and I'll do it," he said enthusiastically, as they trooped in, Skye went over to the kid and watched him fiddle with the device, "Whats this?" he asked gesturing to the computer.
Tobias glared at him for a second to make sure he heard that right. "It's a computer…." He said, starting it up. "It helps keep track of the stuff she wants to access later. Like her writing stuff." He sat down in the chair and waited for the desktop to load up. "I assume… Though… That you have no idea how a keyboard works?"
"I know how a typewriter works believe it or not," said Skye, "So does this work like a typewriter once you get it set up? I mean, minus all these other buttons…"
"Yeah… Lemme just pull up the word processor here…." Tobias opened it, and started a new document. "Here…. She should be emailing stuff for you to type…." Honestly I don't see how this can work… "To be truthful, all you need to do is copy and paste what she sends you."
"And how do I do that?" Asked Skye curiously, while rio investigeted the bookshelf and sat down his nose in a book called Treasure Island.
(Lol. Intrigued boi.)
Tobias waved the mouse around. "You see this… Er… Thing? The cursor on the screen? You have to–"
Just then, the email window popped up, with a whole paragraph or so on the stuff they did that day.
Just in time…. "You have to left click…" He started at the beginning of the stuff in the email window. "Drag it across everything…." He highlighted all the text in blue. "Right click…"
A sub window was pulled up, one of the options being copy. "You copy it… And in the word processor, right click and paste."
And everything that was in the email transferred into the document. "That's all you have to do. There's some formatting things that the intitute wants for it, but it only takes her a few minutes to fix." That was a lot of explaining….
"So like this?" Skye copied what the kid had just showed him, "Btw we never got your names.."
(Umm… Bro… Fourth page. Third reply. I thought we went through this already.)
"Um…. Yeah… Like that." Tobias nodded. It shouldn't be too hard…. But if there's an issue, I can probably fix it." Unless it's a virus or something…
(XD My routine is messed up so that means I am too….)
"Alright I think I got it," said Skye as he got to work, Rio still had his nose in a book and was reading quietly.
Firiko came over to Tobias, "So what do you do for fun that keeps you out of mischief?" he asked, May as well make friends
"Well…. It depends on what I feel like doing. Sometimes I just want to relax and read a book or something…" He rolled his shoulders. "Or I play with a ball of some sort outside." I can do both….. "But I don't usually get into trouble. When I do, it's more accidental…."
"Well do you have any games you like to play?" asked Firiko "Quiet, Inside ones?" he gestured to his wings which had reappeared.
"Hm. Well…" Tobias wandered into the living room. "I'm not sure if Megan has too much to do inside… I'm easily entertained… So. I suppose it's up to you, really."
"Uh huh…." said Firiko looking around, I would read a book…. but I can only read older runes…. and I would totally go outside, but someone might see my wings, and the building has too many things that could break….. "hmm…" then he saw some colorful boxes on the shelf, "Hey Tobias, what's in those boxes there?"
He followed his gaze over to the shelf. "Oh, over here?" Tobias got on his tip toes and reached up. "I don't know what she keeps up here…."
(Unsure what you intended on this being….)
(Colorful boxes….. you seriously dont get the description?! Board games Silly!)
"Can we check it out?" asked Firiko, "Maybe we'll find something entertaining."
(Well, maybe slim colorful boxes would be more helpful….)
Tobias pulled one down, and at least he was good enough as to hold the ones on top of them in place. "Huh… I don't think I've ever played one of these before… Megan's always busy, usually I just wear myself out outside or in the basement…" He went to the dining table and set it down.
(Not all board games come in slim boxes… XD)
"What is it?" asked Firiko, puzzled by all the various colored peices.
(True…. Maybe I can just change this a bit.)
"Oh– It's no game. It's just a puzzle…." Tobias poured out all the tiny pieces on the table. "I've done plenty of these before, but I don't think I've done this one specifically." He turned them all over and set up the cover to reveal the picture. "This one says it has a 1000 pieces… People say the best method is to set up all the end pieces first…."
Firiko watched him, "What's a puzzle?" he asked, feeling a little bit like an idiot.
"It's a picture made up of pieces that go together in a specific way…" He began to put the border together. "Like this…." Tobias picked a piece up and placed it with another, their appendages and holes interlocking with one another. "And these ones are obviously the edge because they have at least one side that's flat…" He pointed at the edge pieces. "It's pretty fun, I guess…."