forum A soulmate made of marble reboot ((one-on-one//closed))
Started by @ElderGod-Carrots

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Leo tilted his head to the side, unconvinced and more worried now, “Okay… if you’re sure…” He mumbled, leading them to a seat.


Leo sat opposite him, biting his lip, “Are you sure you’re okay? If you want to leave we can, I don’t care as long as you’re comfortable.”


Leo slowly held his hand back, still hesitant, “Elijah… you being comfortable is better then trying to make me happy or whatever, you know that right?”


Leo pouted, "I'm not going to stop worrying though…" He sighed, rubbing at his face with one hand, "But okay… let's just order."


“No, no you’re not. I’m not going to judge if you want to leave, and you shouldn’t judge yourself if you want to, either.” Leo protested softly.