forum A soulmate made of marble reboot ((one-on-one//closed))
Started by @ElderGod-Carrots

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"You just asked the most indecisive man the hardest would you rather question in the world." Leo groaned, resting his head on Elijah's shoulder.


Leo blushed then smiled sweetly, "I'll be looking more then disheveled later," He giggled and winked, kissing Elijah on the lips one last time before he headed to the bathroom, grabbing his towel on the way.


Elijah barked a laugh. He watched him go with a smirk. He went to the closet and shuffled throught it until he found something that fit him close enough. Unfortunately, the closet was left in a bjt of a mess.


Leo showered quickly, not staying in for longer then fifteen minutes. He then applied deodorant and such before he wrapped his towel round his waist and headed back to the bedroom, sighing at the mess.


Elijah nodded hesitantly. Cleaning wasn't exactly his thing. Come to think of it, ge had never cleaned a day before in his life until, well, he met Leo.


Leo smiled back before pulling out a sweater and a pair of jeans and boxers and then looked to Leo, “Um… can you turn around while I change?”


Leo blushed as rolled his eyes, “Suspense, I dunno.” He mumbled. He finally finished and turned around himself, “Okay I’m done.”