Nathaniel nodded again and reached one of his shaking hands out to Ilya, shifting his wings a bit. He turned his hazel eyes up to the fairy.
Nathaniel nodded again and reached one of his shaking hands out to Ilya, shifting his wings a bit. He turned his hazel eyes up to the fairy.
Ilya leaned in tentatively, letting himself be touched. He was still worried, but he wasn't about to deny Nathaniel anything. "What's wrong? What do you need?"
He stayed silent and just gently held onto Ilya's hand. He seemed to just want the other's closeness for now, considering he'd already taken medication.
"Honey, I can't read your mind," Ilya said gently, scooting closer to the couch. "I need you to tell me what you need, okay? Or maybe just nod and shake your head if you don't feel like talking."
Nathaniel hugged Ilya tiredly, his wings hanging limp on his back. "Love…" He said softly.
(He needs attention lol)
Ilya melted a little, wrapping him up in a careful hug. "There's a lot of ways to show love, Nathaniel. Do you want me to hold you? Tell you how strong you were for going through all that pain? Get you little gifts and do whatever you ask?"
"Hold me…" Nathaniel slipped off the couch and crawled into Ilya's lap, hugging him. He lay his head on the fairy's shoulder, still seeming tired and with sharp jabs of pain coming from his ribs.
Ilya ran a hand up and down his back, the other looped protectively around his waist. "Can I pick you up, sweetheart? I wanna carry you into the bedroom so you can lie down."
Nathaniel hesitated before nodding. When Ilya picked him up, he exhaled sharply at a jab from his ribs, which didn't like being jostled. Nonetheless, he let Ilya carry him.
(So Ilya is absolutely fucked because Nathaniel is precious lmao)
(oh yeah, Ilya would probably die for Nathaniel by now)
Ilya hissed quietly in sympathy, keeping the walk to the bedroom smooth and fast. He was careful as he set Nathaniel down and crawled into bed beside him, arms gentle as they pulled him close. "How are your ribs?"
"Hurt…" Nathaniel whispered, huddling against Ilya for his warmth and general closeness. It seemed like Nathaniel liked to cuddle, but he'd never actually had someone he could cuddle with before.
Ilya was more than happy to hold him close, tucking Nathaniel against his chest and rubbing his back. "I'm sorry about that, do you want me to take some of the pain?"
"If… if you want… I-I dunno how much of it you could even take…" Nathaniel tucked his head under Ilya's chin, shivering whenever Ilya's hand bumped his wings.
Ilya petted the wing hesitantly, not wanting to make Nathaniel uncomfortable. He drew out as much pain as he could, dulling it to an almost manageable level. "About this much, but only if I really concentrate."
"Mm… h-hopefully the pain meds start working soon…" Nathaniel sighed softly, staying very close to Ilya. "What potion are you making, anyway?"
"I'm collecting the things for your sleeping potion." Ilya sighed softly, nuzzling the top of Nathaniel's head. "I've got most of what I need now. I just have to go barter with the mermaids for some of their hair and it'll be ready to make."
"Why do you need mermaid hair and angel tears for a sleeping potion? It's quite unusual to find angels down here, much less get them to give you their tears… no one would reasonably be able to make one of these potions."
"My spellbook is older, so it relies more on magic than medicine which means, like, 80% of the spells in there are unusable. Sleeping potions are more on the reasonable side, actually. Most need demon claws and dragon scales and the wings of fairies and stuff." Ilya shuddered reflexively at the last one.
"Mm…" Nathaniel tried to hug Ilya tighter, but ended up just hissing in pain and relaxing his grip again. "What all do you have to do to fix my wings?"
Ilya frowned at Nathaniel's pain, petting his wings softly. "Well, that's closer to actual medicine. Basically: I'm going to rebreak the bones that healed incorrectly and then splint them together so that they heal in the right place."
Nathaniel shuddered a bit at the thought, but nodded anyways. "Okay… at least I'll be asleep. How long do sleeping potions last?"
Ilya continued to pet Nathaniel's wings, humming thoughtfully. "This one lasts about 3 hours, I think. It's definitely enough time for me to finish up on your wings, you don't need to worry about waking up halfway through."
"Alrighty…" Nathaniel's wings quivered as Ilya pet them, and he relaxed more. He sighed softly, pressing himself up against Ilya.
Ilya smiled, running his hands through Nathaniel's feathers more deliberately. "Y'know, you don't have to do it if you don't want to. These are your wings, not mine."
"Well, it'll help them to not hurt when I move them anymore… will I be able to fly again or no?" Nathaniel looked up at Ilya.
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