forum writing club. (Open)
Started by @IcarusFightsTheSun book

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@im-with-stoopid pets

"Stay Ahead of Deadlines with Our Prompt and Reliable Engineering Assignment Help in the UK"

Ah- this isn't really a place for academic writing. It's for stories, worldbuilding, planning- y'know, writing for leisure.
I get the confusion, though. Good luck with whatever you're doing!

@im-with-stoopid pets

Oh, alright then.
Real strange that people bot on Notebook of all things- like congrats you advertised to all 30 people who use the forums regularly-

Anyhow, hope your days going well! Can't say much about mine since I just woke up, heh.

Deleted user

Oh, alright then.
Real strange that people bot on Notebook of all things- like congrats you advertised to all 30 people who use the forums regularly-

My thoughts exactly

Deleted user

notebook might be the most bot-ridden site other than I don't know tumblr

@im-with-stoopid pets

Opinions on in-universe songs, poems, etc. in books?

Hey, I finally came up the lullaby. I'm not a songwriter or anything, I just picked words that rhymed and went with it-

Alright so back on topic, I might make an audio version of it?!?
I'm not gonna actually sing because my voice sounds like rocks in a blender, but I've already got a good idea of how the melody is.
Considering it- finishing up my last week of classes, so I've got some free time between now and when I start my summer job.

Deleted user

Opinions on in-universe songs, poems, etc. in books?

Hey, I finally came up the lullaby. I'm not a songwriter or anything, I just picked words that rhymed and went with it-

Alright so back on topic, I might make an audio version of it?!?
I'm not gonna actually sing because my voice sounds like rocks in a blender, but I've already got a good idea of how the melody is.
Considering it- finishing up my last week of classes, so I've got some free time between now and when I start my summer job.

I would listen to it


Not exactly looking for feedback or anything. I just found a prompt on Pinterest and my brain decided that I'm gonna write a short story for it, so take a somewhat late night short story. I can't make progress on my actual stories, but I can write this on sheer impulse. Featuring my OCs Jay and Makoto! ^^ (1000 words)

Jay opened his eyes to see a concerned face in front of him. As his vision cleared, he noticed the fluffy brown hair on the person before he tried to sit up. He was gently pushed down by the brunette, whose expression showed nothing but concern. He was kind of adorable.

"You're cute when you're worried," he told him, unsure of why he made that comment.
He had no idea who the male in front of him was, but he felt like he could trust him. Trust. It was a strange feeling, yet he felt it towards the brunette, and it increased the more he looked into his worried eyes.

"U-um…thanks…?" The male appeared confused by the sudden compliment. "Look, let's just go home, alright? You really need to rest…"

Jay tilted his head in confusion at the male's words. He felt alright, aside from his lack of memories. If anyone needed to be cared for, it was the brunette. He was clearly exhausted, and he was bruised, almost as if he had gotten into a fight. Were they fighting? Surely not. Who hurt him, then?

"You're in a worse state than I am. Relax," he told him as he stood up. "Stop worrying so much. It's adorable and all, but I don't need you to panic."


"Not used to things being switched, huh? Get used to it."

"Look…I need to get you home… Just let me do that, please."

Jay just nodded before looking into the other's eyes. They remained filled with worry, although he didn't know why. Clearly the male in front of him had to be someone he could trust. Why else would he be so worried about him? He didn't see any other reason for it.

Without another thought, he took the male's hand and let him lead him to his house. He seemed so sweet, so caring. How could anyone have ever hurt him? All he wanted to do was help him.

"I know you hit your head and all, but are you feeling alright? You're…oddly affectionate, in a way…" The male's voice was laced with confusion and concern.

"Of course I am," he assured him. "I trust you, so I want to calm you down, too."

Trust. The word must have taken the brunette by surprise, as he suddenly stopped in his tracks and turned to look at Jay. His eyes were welling with tears. He seemed touched by those words, at least in some way.

"I don't think you've ever said that… I'm still so worried about you, but maybe you'll be alright."

He had never said that he trusted someone? How could he have never told the male that he trusted him? He just wanted to protect him and let him know that he was going to be alright. He must have been too scared to admit it in the past, but his words were the truth.

"I've been telling you that," he responded as he wiped the other's tears away with his thumbs. "Now calm down."

Makoto. Why did he feel the urge to say that? It had to have been the male's name, and if it wasn't, he was going to call him that anyway. All he remembered was that name and his own. The rest he had only pieced together from context.

"I will be just fine, Makoto," he added.

The male's eyes widened at those words. Makoto must have been his name. He only teared up more, but Jay quickly wiped those away as well and chuckled softly. He was so sensitive and caring, and his presence radiated comfort. He could spend his life with him, and he wouldn't regret a thing.

Before he could do anything, Makoto wrapped his arms around him and held him close. Were they boyfriend before that day's incident? If not, he was definitely going to change that. He would already do anything for him, no questions asked, and he had only just met him.

The next few moments passed in silence as the two stayed close. Makoto's embrace was warm, and the closeness between them was comforting. All he needed was Makoto to be happy. His personality was perfect, his face was round and soft, perfect with his fluffy hair and shining eyes, and he was simply perfect.

After a moment, Makoto finally let him go, and he just looked at him. He seemed speechless, at a complete loss for words. Like anything else about him, it was adorable. How could someone be so precious? No wonder he trusted him immediately. Who wouldn't trust him?

"How do you keep getting more precious?" Jay asked with a soft chuckle. "I love you."

He only chuckled more as a light blush covered Makoto's face. It seemed like he could become more precious. He had no idea how they met in the past, but he couldn't have been happier. Makoto was perfect.

The brunette remained silent, only letting out a small gasp as he looked at the male in front of him. His golden brown eyes shone in the light, and his black hair fell perfectly onto his face. His tone was genuine. It was genuine.

"You're so easy to fluster," Jay teased as he stepped closer. He pulled Makoto close to him and kissed him softly before he chuckled as he saw his red face. “I really love you. Now let’s go home.”

He admired Makoto’s surprised yet happy expression for a moment longer before he took his hand again. Even though he didn’t remember his life, he could start a new one with the most precious person in the world. Whatever his past was didn’t matter. His new life would be perfect.

“Come on. Lead the way,” he told him.

With a quick nod, Makoto walked with Jay. On the way home, Jay couldn’t take his eyes off of him. Starting over wouldn’t be difficult since he had Makoto’s support. With him, his new life would be perfect.

@im-with-stoopid pets

How do you write a lie/plot twist without it being confusing?
Long story short, I've got two dweebs: MC and Friend.
Turns out Friend told MC a "massive" lie when they first met (early second book), and it comes to a head around late third book into early fourth book. Then the rest of the fourth book is dealing with the aftermath between MC and Friend, major falling out, etc.
Essentially, I just really don't know how to hint at the truth without hinting way too much. I'll give specifics if needed, I just didn't want to go into an unprompted tangent-


Well, in general, you should try to subtly hint at the truth in a way that it's not noticeable to MC. If you want it to be a plot twist, it shouldn't be something that your main character thinks too much of. Some readers may get the hint, but others won't. In the end, it all leads to the reveal in the late third book and plot of the fourth book.

@im-with-stoopid pets

The entire lie is about Friend's bloodline. He's from a faction that's sworn enemies with MC's faction.
Pretty much, if he was honest with MC, he would've been murdered, so Friend lied for his own safety. Some of the ways I planned on hinting at Friend's origin is:

  • General and inside knowledge about Friend's real faction that he shouldn't have. Friend justifies this by saying he's been spying.

  • Friend carries around objects that are associated with his real faction. He justifies this by saying he stole the items.

  • Friend treats MC's faction with general apprehension. MC doesn't ask for a justification because he, himself, dislikes his own faction.

Not sure if that's too much or too little? I don't have too much experience with writing twists, and I DEFINITELY don't have experience with stuff like red herrings- thanks for the general advice! :D


Of course! I don't have much experience, either, so I can't go much further than general advice. I like what you've got so far, too! If their faction is seen as an enemy faction, saying that they've been spying and such makes sense without being too suspicious. ^^

@im-with-stoopid pets

I was also planning on giving Friend a quirk they do when they're lying? Like maybe he fidgets with his hands, or he stops making eye contact, or something else. The idea was that since Friend lies the first time he and MC meet, it wouldn't be anything special to the reader, but as time goes on, it becomes more obvious that it's a habit. Not sure if that was too obvious, though.