I think you've all heard me complain about how pancaking sick I am of being stuck inside unable to do anything until I'm old enough to drive far away from here and live my own life. Right? Well, I figured things would get better once winter ends. But, according to the latest news from my mother, this summer is going to be about as exciting as watching paint dry. The usual things I look forward to, camping, theater, vacations, "nana camp", swimming, shopping trips, parties, dances, time spent with friends, parks, all of that stuff, are either not going to happen this year or are very unlikely.
Camping? Due to multiple factors including my fear of germs, my number of siblings, and my extreme hatred of spiders, I don't get to go camping often. The only reason I would be able to go is because of AHG, but I'm leaving the group this year for the sake of my mom's sanity.
Theater? I haven't been able to do any sort of acting in years, no matter how badly I want to start again my mom won't sign me up for anything… I think she's just forgotten, which isn't really her fault, but I really miss my theater class/camp/thing.
Vacations? I've only been on one real, big vacation in my life (other than the one from back when I was 2 years old, but we're not counting that), we're too broke for that sort of thing.
"Nana camp"? My nana's getting a bit too old and can't handle week-long sleepover party-type things with all my siblings anymore…
Swimming? The only two people who ever take me swimming are my grandmas, and as mentioned above, Nana can't take me to the big, fancy pool anymore with all my siblings, so I'm stuck with the plastic baby pools in my grandma's backyard.
Shopping trips? My mom doesn't have the time, my grandma doesn't have the money, and I don't have the ability to drive myself to the mall yet. Someday…
Parties? Can't afford birthday parties this year, as usual.
Dances/Dance parties? I actually might have one or two this year, we'll see.
Parks? Well, after the article my mom read today about the dangers of trampoline parks, I doubt we'll be going to any of those. We might still go to children's playgrounds or take walks occasionally, but I doubt it considering we already have an entire playground built into the backyard.
So yeah, I'm going to most likely spend this entire year watching YouTube and complaining about my problems with random internet strangers instead of actually going out and living my life. You might be thinking, "Well that's just the summer, maybe fall/autumn will be better!" and while most of our fall/winter plans for this year are unknown, I do know that I'm apparently "too old to trick-or-treat" now, so Halloween isn't going to be very exciting… Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyy…
I can't wait until the day I can finally get out of this house, enjoy my own time, surround myself with the people I care about, and have at least a tiny bit of control over what happens in my life.
(WiFi's going out, goodnight amazing humans <3)