forum Your personal venting space.
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

people_alt 117 followers

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??? Explain pudding. Oh yes. Apollo is my gay dad. I had no choice but to be adopted. I even tried to fight it, being the idiotic unloved non-accepted by my family humanoid that I am

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oh wait nm i had to re-read what Ev said XD I thought she said "Daddy" and I got really confused.

d e a d

Deleted user

??? Explain pudding. Oh yes. Apollo is my gay dad. I had no choice but to be adopted. I even tried to fight it, being the idiotic unloved non-accepted by my family humanoid that I am

I think I've been adopted by 10 people on this website

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Moony is my child, so is Simon. Jake is my good friend…I have one more child. Ruby! That's it. precious babs. I have a total number of 6 kids now.

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Finally moved out of my aunt's house. But she ate all the food I bought literally an hour before I left-
violently cries i just wanted to have a donut before i left

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The arizona desert isn't that boring. I lived there as a kid and loved it.

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