forum Your personal venting space.
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

people_alt 117 followers


Izu, first off good to see you again
Second I'm sorry you had to go through that.
Fuck what people say.
Be trans
Be bi
We are here.

I'm actually pansexual and thanks people are assholes
and I started telling people this and the girl the poem is about her followers started "Why would you be mean to her she didn't hurt you bla bla bla" over FUCKING TEXT MESSAGE
I started hugging my girlfriend and balling my eyes out on her shoulder
and she went and told the counselor
I was fine with this cause the counselor said she would try and get my teachers to call me my preferred name and pronouns and stuff which is nice.
but I just said I was telling people my side of the story and ya
so now im sitting in my room texting my girlfriend on the verge of tears listening to the Dear, Evan Hansen playlist

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they really can, i get that feelin gof being out and having people use it against me..

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We live in a time where you have to watch an advertisement before getting depressed.

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Well i was feeling hella sad and empty (lmao yeet). So i decided to make it worse by listening to depressing songs. And on came this annoying advertisement about cars like stfu i just wanna cry dude
i dunno, it just agitated me a bit when they started speaking with their stupid, overly peppy voices. so uh yeet there's the context™


Well i was feeling hella sad and empty (lmao yeet). So i decided to make it worse by listening to depressing songs. And on came this annoying advertisement about cars like stfu i just wanna cry dude
i dunno, it just agitated me a bit when they started speaking with their stupid, overly peppy voices. so uh yeet there's the context™

Mood my Lorelei

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oh hun, i think we've all done that at some point. ads are annoying and i hate how overly happy they are aha

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but on the bright side, this lady gave me 10 bucks because she thought i was homeless-


All of the ads on SoundCloud are just about the dangers of vaping so I don't know either of those feelings

They aren't overly happy and definitely don't make me feel better when I'm hiding in my room trying to distract myself from how much I despise humanity


Updates and Rants:
1) I auditioned for my school’s female a capella group and didn’t get in. Bummer.
2) Been kinda sick, I think from anti-depressant side effects but idk yet, and now I’m getting allergies
3) Little sprinkle of good things: my bf and I got back together and that’s good bc I love him, and I have a soft of blooming best friendship with someone and we’re actually hanging out together and being teenagers and it’s really liberating
4) back to not fun stuff, my mom and I got int a fight today because she skied me why I was being “mean” to her and I told her the truth and she didn’t like it. She did come in to apologize later and said she’d work on the things I mentioned she does that piss me off, but I’m still a little upset
5) I found out the theater director at my school has been deliberately not giving me leads bc I dropped out of the musical my freshman year because my parents made me. Still mad about that
6) There’s this really annoying kid in my orchestra class that won’t do what he’s supposed to and it’s making me big mad. We told the teacher and he yelled at him today in class.

That’s not really everything, but that’s enough for now.

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