forum What be your fears?
Started by @Nie-Huaisang-is-lost-in-the-stars group

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That’s not good… but if it came up to the point where someone had held a gun to your head, would you really not be scared?

At that time in my life, yeah, not gonna lie lmao.

@Pickles group

Dying and having nobody care. It's a little stupid, because I'm dead… but it kind of scares me in general. Just the whole thing…


That was my first thought, too


See, as an atheist, death is scary because I believe that when you die, you just… Die. It's over. Nothing happens. You're just gone.

For me it's the opposite…
I am a very devout Catholic, and I thoroughly believe that there is an afterlife.
Honestly, with all the little signs I've seen, it almost seems stupid not to think so

…however, if I'm being completely honest, I really do hope I'm wrong…

the possibility of an afterlife seems absolutely terrifying, and no, i'm not just talking about hell

existing forever anywhere scares me beyond reasoning, even living for more than 10 years already feels like too long, so just the thought of being stuck in one place forever, with nothing changing, nothing to look forward to, nothing to look back on, just existing for all eternity with no end…
it's worse than any hell i could ever imagine

but it's something i'll have to face
i can cry and scream all i want but no matter what, i can't undo my existence
i'll be here forever

i know, i wouldn't feel this way if i was in heaven…
i'd be happy…
i'd want to live forever…

but what about my friends? family? loved ones?
i can't save them all, some people are going to burn no matter how hard i try, so even if i do end up in heaven, the people i care about will still suffer, and it doesn't seem possible to be happy knowing they're in pain-
i know, i know, god's capabilities are far outside what humans consider possible, i'd be happy regardless, but honestly that sounds even worse???
am i just going to forget them?
or will i move on, knowing they're in hell, and not feel a single bit of sorrow?

i'd just be constantly living in a superficial sense of joy forever…
and ever…

and ever…

…and that's absolutely terrifying to me.

i wish it was different
i wish i could simply stop existing, vanish entirely as if I was never born
but nope
i can't
and there's not a thing i can do to change it


See, as an atheist, death is scary because I believe that when you die, you just… Die. It's over. Nothing happens. You're just gone.

For me it's the opposite…
I am a very devout Catholic, and I thoroughly believe that there is an afterlife.
Honestly, with all the little signs I've seen, it almost seems stupid not to think so

…however, if I'm being completely honest, I really do hope I'm wrong…

the possibility of an afterlife seems absolutely terrifying, and no, i'm not just talking about hell

existing forever anywhere scares me beyond reasoning, even living for more than 10 years already feels like too long, so just the thought of being stuck in one place forever, with nothing changing, nothing to look forward to, nothing to look back on, just existing for all eternity with no end…
it's worse than any hell i could ever imagine

but it's something i'll have to face
i can cry and scream all i want but no matter what, i can't undo my existence
i'll be here forever

i know, i wouldn't feel this way if i was in heaven…
i'd be happy…
i'd want to live forever…

but what about my friends? family? loved ones?
i can't save them all, some people are going to burn no matter how hard i try, so even if i do end up in heaven, the people i care about will still suffer, and it doesn't seem possible to be happy knowing they're in pain-
i know, i know, god's capabilities are far outside what humans consider possible, i'd be happy regardless, but honestly that sounds even worse???
am i just going to forget them?
or will i move on, knowing they're in hell, and not feel a single bit of sorrow?

i'd just be constantly living in a superficial sense of joy forever…
and ever…

and ever…

…and that's absolutely terrifying to me.

i wish it was different
i wish i could simply stop existing, vanish entirely as if I was never born
but nope
i can't
and there's not a thing i can do to change it

This ^^^^ is part of why even as a Christian I'm scared of the afterlife.
Also I'm scared that (since I kind of believe in Heaven and Hell) that what if I'm doing this all wrong and I'm going to end up in Hell anyway? Or what if I end up in Heaven but feel like I don't belong there still?

@Pickles group

Being accused of a crime that I didn't commit. Because I used to be like, oh that would be fine they'd know I didn't do it, but like… The system isn't perfect and I could very well be locked up for something I didn't do

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Also I'm scared that (since I kind of believe in Heaven and Hell) that what if I'm doing this all wrong and I'm going to end up in Hell anyway? Or what if I end up in Heaven but feel like I don't belong there still?

Unlikely. The reasoning behind what you do matters as much as what you do. (In my opinion.) And that second Paarl is even more unlikely.

@HighPockets group

I'm not scared of death itself, even though I'm not super devout I do believe in an afterlife and stuff, but I'm scared of dying without achieving anything. I just don't want to be useless.

@HighPockets group

You aren't completely useless. Someone has to like Victor. Besides Henry, I mean

My one redeeming trait is stanning absolute disasters.
Like calls to like I guess

@HighPockets group

I mean, I like Victor. And Nich even more.

I always wonder if people actually like my characters lol, if anyone wants to PM me what ones they like and what ones they don't and why I'd be honored, I'm always looking for feedback!

Deleted user

I think I've already mentioned spiders but I'm scared of them too. Too many eyes.

they be seein' everything


I think I've already mentioned spiders but I'm scared of them too. Too many eyes.

they be seein' everything

They're fricking fast too! You never seem to get them on the first hit and then all of the sudden you have a fat scary-looking spider running all over the napkin you tried to just squash them with.
(Wow… I'm not helping with the whole fear thing am I?)

@Pickles group

That reminds me for some reason so I have to share it
How to kill a fly:
You know when there's a fly in the room and everyone keeps swatting at it but it flies away before you can kill it? Fear no more. Wait for it to land and take a book or something that can kill it. Hold it a good distance above the fly (maybe a foot and a half) for a little while, letting it get used to the book being there. Slowly lower it a little and hold it there again. Do that repeatedly until it's only a few inches above the fly, holding it still a little longer every time it gets closer. Then BAM! Drop the book

Thank my English teacher for spending half a class teaching us. With demonstrations


I think I've already mentioned spiders but I'm scared of them too. Too many eyes.

they be seein' everything

They're fricking fast too! You never seem to get them on the first hit and then all of the sudden you have a fat scary-looking spider running all over the napkin you tried to just squash them with.
(Wow… I'm not helping with the whole fear thing am I?)

Also more proof spiders are mini devils: One was on my back and I didn't know. I felt something itchy, so I itched. I ended up pissing it off and it ran all around my back and shoulders, biting me nonstop until I managed to finally squish it.


@saor_illust school

Just gonna hop in and say a couple of things…
I have a mild case of arachnophobia (Is that how you spell it? Idk). THey're okay if they're in the house or outside. But I hate them in the house. And spiders are definitely scary if they're a)big. Like very big. b)fluffy. not cute fluffy. but scary fluffy (idk if that's even a thing lol) c) especially if they're on me that's scary.

{Also. @TrippinFentanyl I know that username. I was in an rp once. I swear I know you. But the rp I did with the person I think you are deleted their user. But it was an rp that was like an online chatroom but an rp. And the username that person chose just so happened to be Trippin'Fentanyl'. I swear. Do I know you?}