forum What be your fears?
Started by @Nie-Huaisang-is-lost-in-the-stars group

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I'm not sure if I have full-on Thalassophobia (fear of the ocean/bodies of water) but I sure do hate swimming in lakes, oceans, or rivers unless there's nothing in them, I can touch the floor that has nothing but sand on it, and that's clean.
If I'm swimming in the ocean or a lake (heh isn't it fun living by the Great Lakes) and something like seaweed touches me then nope
Also it would scare me just being out in the open ocean. Like wtf those things are big and scary. Ff I can't see land then thank you next.

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  1. Needles.
  2. Not really a fear, but sharp objects anywhere on my arm but especially close to my wrists trigger me.
  3. being forgotten. Big fear of mine.

@TeamMezzo group

yall are confessing deep fears and i'm like i'm scared of dropping my phone in one of those automatically flushing toilets like what if it flushes while i'm trying to get my phone??


yall are confessing deep fears and i'm like i'm scared of dropping my phone in one of those automatically flushing toilets like what if it flushes while i'm trying to get my phone??

that's a totally valid fear and now that you mention it… what would happen?

@TeamMezzo group

yall are confessing deep fears and i'm like i'm scared of dropping my phone in one of those automatically flushing toilets like what if it flushes while i'm trying to get my phone??

that's a totally valid fear and now that you mention it… what would happen?

I DON'T KNOW and that's why it scares me

@HighPockets group

Oh okay:

  • Spiders
  • Being abandoned
  • That my friends don't actually like me and just pretend to
  • Dying without accomplishing anything meaningful/not leaving my mark on the world
  • Being forgotten
  • Nursing homes, kind of. I don't hate them or anything, but they make me really uncomfortable and like I need to escape
  • Honestly like…myself? That I'll lose control and force everyone away from me and make horrible choices
  • Being all on my own

@Pickles group

yall are confessing deep fears and i'm like i'm scared of dropping my phone in one of those automatically flushing toilets like what if it flushes while i'm trying to get my phone??

that's a totally valid fear and now that you mention it… what would happen?

I DON'T KNOW and that's why it scares me

it would probably either be too big or go bye bye. Maybe clog the toilet. Probably, if it went down

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  • That my friends don't actually like me and just pretend to

This is a really big fear of mine too. Because, you know, it happens.

@Moxie group

yall are confessing deep fears and i'm like i'm scared of dropping my phone in one of those automatically flushing toilets like what if it flushes while i'm trying to get my phone??

K but that’s super valid and lowkey a fear of mine


  • That my friends don't actually like me and just pretend to

This is a really big fear of mine too. Because, you know, it happens.

Sameeeee. Except normally it's over the littlest things like "(name) didn't want a hug from me so they must hate me" or something like that

@Rainy_day_artist_classic group

Welp just remembered another one, fear of constantly breaking my legs. Just the little jumps onto the ground and landing, or when my leg falls asleep and I try walking. I just am constantly terrified… yay..

@Rainy_day_artist_classic group

Dying and having nobody care. It's a little stupid, because I'm dead… but it kind of scares me in general. Just the whole thing…


Oof, I don't even know what I was trying to say, but auto correct had other plans…WAIT now I know, as in, if I WAS dead, then it wouldn't matter.

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See, as an atheist, death is scary because I believe that when you die, you just… Die. It's over. Nothing happens. You're just gone.

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Sad to say there was a long period of time during my life where I was far from scared of death.