forum What are some of your most unpopular opinions?
Started by @flora.books

people_alt 7 followers


ooh fun

  1. Having a "unique" taste in music (i.e shaping your music taste around "I hate popular stuff!") is not a personality and doesn't make you cool
  2. Liking "basic" things isn't basic
  3. Stranger Things is slightly overrated (it's good, but it's not i c o n i c)
  4. Captain America: Civil War is a mess
  5. Black Panther is the most mature protagonist the MCU has created
  6. Team Stark, Captain America was arrogant and wrong
  7. Trying to be "politically correct" isn't actually a bad thing
  8. Stand up comedy just isn't funny
  9. Shipping is boring and the least important part of literally anything
  10. There is no "war on Christianity" in America sorry i don't make the rules
  11. Memes are kinda boring (some are funny, but most are…eh)
  12. Woke twitter is a mess

ok im done

Deleted user

I don't like peanut butter, did you read my list?

@Starfast group

Here's some of mine

  • Flavoured milk is gross. Chocolate milk is not an exception; it is gross as well.
  • Ketchup is also gross
  • Pugs are overrated. Frenchies too. I love dogs, but I could never bring myself to own a Pug or a Frenchie.
  • The whole "Adopt, don't shop" things is dumb. I fully support adopting shelter pets, but it's not an option for everyone.
  • Carry On by Rainbow Rowell was a bad book and I regret reading the whole thing.
  • People on tumblr need to stop with the whole "Minority characters can only be written by minority people" and "Everything ever needs more diversity." This is mostly in regards to some of the Love Simon hate that showed up on my dash.

Some fandom (mostly Rupaul's Drag Race) stuff that probably no one cares about

  • Danger Days is not that bad of an album
  • The episode "Expose" in Lost wasn't as bad as everyone says it was (It was obvious filler, but it wasn't that bad).
  • Kate is the most annoying character in Lost.
  • Roxxxy Andrews' liquorice dress in season 5 was not as good as everyone says it was.
  • On the flip side, Jinkx's candy cane dress was not as bad as everyone says it is (I'm probably biased, but I love that look, unironically?)
  • I don't really like Trixie Mattel. That has nothing to do with bs that was AS3, that's just always been my opinion. I really dislike how she does her makeup, don't find her that funny, and I never understood why she has such a huge fanbase.
  • Dusty Ray Bottoms deserved better.
  • I don't really like Aquaria. She's talented, but her attitude is really off-putting.


My unpopular opinions:

  • Hating something that other people like doesn't make you "better" or "edgier" and disliking something simply for being "mainstream" is childish
  • I actually kind of liked TLJ and TFA
  • Teachers are underrated and underpayed
  • Zutara
  • I don't think dresscodes are a problem
  • Puns are funny
  • Western feminists need to learn to respect other people's cultures and see that nakedness ≠ empowerment
  • Hershey's is digusting
  • There is such a thing as having too much screentime
  • Cats are better


I have a few, and yes. These are REALLY unpopular opinions, don't get triggered.

  1. BTS is overrated.
  2. ketchup, mayonnaise, and any other condiments suck.
  3. Disney movies are overrated.
  4. The LGBT community is trash. (coming from a lesbian here.)
  5. Wreck it Ralph 2 looks like Disney's version of the emoji movie.
  6. Gun control won't solve everything.
  7. Vines are just as cringe as
  8. Forced diversity is bad.
  9. Despicable me sucks. A lot.
  10. Kpop bands are overrated.

Hope I didn't offend anyone. Jk, I don't care. KETCHUP SUCKS!

Deleted user

I agree with everything( but BTS)! It's nice to see someone with the same opinions !

Deleted user

I mean I'm sorta okay with them, but I don't like to try them on a regular basis.

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I love honey mustard with a passion, i'll eat it with fries

Deleted user

cats are better than dogs
rabbits are good food