forum What are some of your most unpopular opinions?
Started by @flora.books

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@HighPockets group


  • TFA is the worst of the new movies in a storytelling sense
  • Rebels is better than The Clobe Wars
  • The politics episodes in TCW weren’t that bad. I’d take them over the Droid episodes any day
  • Domino Squadron deserves a happy ending
  • The new Disney ‘princess’ movies aren’t as good as some of the older ones, but the not princess ones (Zootopia, Inside Out, Coco, Big Hero 6) are better than most of the older ones
  • Disney needs to stop making so many remakes and sequels and make more original movies
  • The term ‘Mary Sue’ has lost any sort of meaning and should be retired
  • A story doesn’t need to be ‘groundbreaking’ to be good
  • Rose Tico doesn’t deserve any of the hate she gets
  • terms like ‘plot hole’ and ‘out of character’ are thrown around way too much.


First of all, thanks to everyone for replying to this thread! I expected like two replies when I made it xD All of your unpopular opinions are fantastic and hilarious to hear. Also, I thought of another opinion of my own– Star Wars is very overrated and quite boring.

@HighPockets group

I mean, in Clone Wars, for every The Wrong Jedi and Lawless, you have A Sunny Day In The Void or Bombad Jedi. But in Rebels, very seemingly filler episode ends up being important, like purgills and the one with Chopper’s leg.

@HighPockets group

Wow I have even more:

  • Most book trilogies feel rushed by the third book
  • The Lunar Chronicles is better than Harry Potter (coming from a massive Potterhead) and most other YA series.
  • Fantastic Beasts is also better than Harry Potter, in my opinion, and Newt is a better and more like able protagonist
  • Moana’s storyline could have been way better
  • The Outsiders is the best teen book of all time.
  • Return of the Jedi isn’t as good as Revenge of the Sith or the anthology movies.
  • Five Guys has the best burgers
  • Culver’s is better than Dairy Queen
  • pineapple on pizzas is good
  • green olives are better than black olives (don’t know if that’s unpopular, but I like the sour flavor more)
  • Anastasia is the best princess movie ever made in terms of characters and plot
  • Hufflepuffs and Slytherins are underrated
  • The Hogwarts House system and the Factions system are both very flawed.
  • the Historical American Girls are better than the Dolls of the Year in a storytelling sense.
  • Caroline was retired too soon, she was from a time period kids should learn about.
  • the Girl Scouts are overrated and their cookies aren’t that good. That being said, I could probably eat a box of their cookies because they are addictive.
  • meatballs and spaghetti sauce are better on spaghetti than meat sauce
  • whole wheat isn’t good for you. There are more lectins and they eat at your gut wall.
  • Solangelo was rushed. Will should have been a prominent character since book one of HoO.

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Hi here's mine:

Not a huge fan of starlord/gamora
reylo is eh
thorki is trash

not that big in hamilton
moulin rouge is one of the best musical movies
Rose from Star wars isn't really that bad

@HighPockets group

Have you seen the moulin rouge and Star Wars comparisons? Aka an Ewan McGregor character falling in love with someone named Satine and other stuff I can’t remember?