forum What are some of your most unpopular opinions?
Started by @flora.books

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I love hearing people nip at each other over their unpopular opinions so I want to hear some of yours xD Here are some of mine– Costco is overrated; Nutella is disgusting; and since I'm a hardcore dog lover, cats are the worst :))

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(Bruh, the opinion that "Justin Bieber sucks" is not an unpopular opinion! 😂)

Uh, and now here are my opinions,
the Harry Potter series were not that interesting, I don't really care for emo bands, coffee is gross, unicorns should exist, Asians can be hot, and (against adults opinions) kids should have more off school days.

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So I tried the movies, and that didn't work either!

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Yep, nope, and then I kinda got scared after watching a few.

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(Yeah, I mean, I don't hate it with a passion, but it's not something I'd watch on my free time…)

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(I kinda agree on that since I'm more of a cat lover or "anything thats fluffy and isn't deadly" lover, but puppies aren't that bad 😆)


My unpopular opinions:
Dogs suck
Rap music is awful
Fortnite is stupid
Nutella doesn't taste good
Honey, for some reason, is not good either.

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Unpopular/hated opinions of mine:
Lgbtplus lifestyle isn't all that good
Vessels is better than Transmissions
Shrek is cringy
Coca-cola is disgusting
Skrillex is trash
Warriors has no plot
Mint-chocolate chip ice cream is da best
I ship Plance (not Klance, there are reasons for this.)
Miraculous has no plot
All Nicolodian tv shows are trash
Dumpster diving is a good way to get goods.
Chips are disgusting
Undertale makes no sense
Klance needs to die
Riren is pedophilia
Peanut butter is disgusting
Peanuts are disgusting
Mdk's dubstep sucks
Bossfight's dubstep is horrible as well
Cities are horrible places
Clutterfunk is a demon level
Pinterest is a hell loop (and I still love it)
Reylo could be okay (I haven't seen TLJ but maybe he'll change, i could be wrong)

Gooodd Lord.

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(I agree with everything but the chips opinion! (I need my hot fries!) XD)

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Image result for mint ice cream

O mah lord, it's heaven in a bowl! 👍

@HighPockets group

  • the first Percy Jackson series was the best, and for the most part, the characters were better developed
  • McDonald’s isn’t that bad
  • Dear Evan Hanson is overrated and not as good of representation as it’s called
  • Fanfic about celebrities is annoying and weird
  • most music artists on the radio aren’t that good
  • A League of Their Own is a better sports movie than Spacejam and The Sandlot
  • people need to calm down about fandoms and ships. Telling me about how great a ship or series is will make me not want to read it.
  • things need to be less polar and more grey
  • movie ratings should be more enforced, mainly R and X (is X Rated a real thing?)
  • the cinnamon roll meme needs to die. It’s annoying and overused.
  • straight, white, cis, and male should not be used to insult or degrade someone’s opinion.
  • Studio C is better than SNL
  • Great Comet deserved all the Tonies it was nominated for.