I got lighters from the dollar store and they're not bic but they're the same type and the flame is way too close to where your finger is and you can't move the lighter without getting burnt so my nail got in the way
It was just a little bit it was terrifying
The only things I have to do tonight are survive sociology, get a few rows of my mood blanket done, and stay awake long enough to see my girlfriend before she leaves for work. I'm tired but today's been good
this is a silent film that's nearly 100 years old (and the comments section is full of people going "iT's nOt gAy!1!! mEn jUsT sHoWeD afFeCtIoN dIfFeRenTlY!1! StOp mAkInG eVeRytHinG sExuAL!!" but like. sir. have you watched the clip.
I honestly can't be sure either way. People don't get how intimate some men would be if it weren't for social restricions. The beginning shots do look kinda gay, but ofc we should take into consideration cinematographic lingual change.