forum Whaaaat's Gibby Thinkin' About?
Started by @Pickles group

people_alt 122 followers

@squiddicus language

Heartstopper day is so close


I'm going to die, we don't have Netflix. I therefore have three days to convince my parents to let us get it purely so I can watch this very obviously gay show


Heartstopper day is so close


I'm going to die, we don't have Netflix. I therefore have three days to convince my parents to let us get it purely so I can watch this very obviously gay show

That reminds me— it comes out the 22nd and my older brother would have to let me use his hotspot to watch TV (we don't have wifi rn) and he's going on a weekend trip so I can't watch it until he gets back on that sunday and when my parents aren't home, so im bound to wait like a whole week or so before being able to watch it.


Thinkin about PAX East this weekend and how I'm going dressed as Goldlewis Dickinson from Guilty Gear Strive and hoping to God my hair holds for the day.

@Pickles group

Heartstopper day is so close


I'm going to die, we don't have Netflix. I therefore have three days to convince my parents to let us get it purely so I can watch this very obviously gay show

If I had my own account I would give you the password but I'm on my parents' :(


my friend just gave me the password to her HBO max account so I can watch the Harry Potter movies.

(Yes im a Harry Potter fanatic and I've never seen any of the movies all the way through, but that's mostly because my parents don't allow me to watch TV so I have to sneak and do it when they aren't home and the opportunity to watch the movies hasn't presented itself until now.)

@Becfromthedead group

I got 3 piercings done this weekend. It'll be a nice little surprise for my family when they come up for graduation in a few weeks <3
Anyway I'm one step closer to my ideal form. I now have the three stacked helix piercings down my right ear and a septum ring. I feel like a badass
(Also to those of you I'm doing rps with, my finals stuff has kind of gone into gear already, so I've been really busy between that and work)

@larcenistarsonist group

thinking about how i totally overcomplify genres to confuse my friends


  • Swedish war power metal
  • Dutch symphonic opera goth metal
  • Italian horny power indiepop
  • Canadian steampunk indiepop
  • American industrial numetalcore rock

@Starfast group

Coming up with a concept for a story is so much easier than turning the concept into a story. Like, it's literally so unfair how that works (for me, at least). I've had so many ideas that I've just kind of given up on because I couldn't figure out what to do with them.

Unrelated, but guess who came up with their next great story concept that will probably go nowhere today?

@HighPockets group

Coming up with a concept for a story is so much easier than turning the concept into a story. Like, it's literally so unfair how that works (for me, at least). I've had so many ideas that I've just kind of given up on because I couldn't figure out what to do with them.

Unrelated, but guess who came up with their next great story concept that will probably go nowhere today?

God what a mood