forum This MUST be addressed publicly
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@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

@Crunch, @PatienceKills

(Please don’t come at me for tagging you…. I wanted to do this via pming, but decided to make it public since both of you made it very clear that you’d block me if I made that attempt….)

We have all had sufficient time to calm down from this. Yes, I do acknowledge that what I was doing was absolutely wrong on multiple levels, for which I am sincerely sorry. I never intended to offend anyone; groups, religions, etc. My intent was to simply share information that I thought could possibly help other writers. I never claimed that the information was from me directly. From here on out I promise to not only credit the writer(s), but to add disclaimers as well.

Some of you have possibly asked yourselves why I got so angry and defensive…. First and what I feel is foremost, is the fact that I had been doing this for nearly a month. The accusations and criticism only came after hours of typing, copying and pasting, editing for format, and linking had already been done. Any writer or artist would become upset after all that work.

As for why I got defensive, that was because I had asked, on multiple occasions, to be pm'd on the issue. I gave an alternative method in which I was willing to listen to your grievances, yet the group continued to insist that we did it publicly. I became frustrated that the group didn’t want to take things to a pm, which I repeat, I was more likely to listen to your problems in. I wanted to take the situation to pm's because I knew that others that had no prior knowledge of what was happening would come in, interrupting what should be a civil conversation, only to stir up drama and add fuel to the fire. The pm could've been a group pm, especially since I know that a lot of us are uncomfortable with addressing things one-on-one.

Pressuring someone into something that they have made known that they don’t want to do is part of my definition of bullying. Everyone has their own definition on that particular issue, and agrees on the given dictionary definitions of it. For future reference, when someone kindly asks and provides an alternative way to handle things, please try to take it into consideration. The more you try to pressure someone into handling it in a way that they have made clear that they don’t wish to, the less likely it is that they will be willing to listen; why should they when you didn’t listen to them in return?

We all know that bullying is an extremely serious issue and topic. It can be done by anyone of any age, race, gender, and even by groups. People can and do say hurtful things, things that they may not realize were hurtful when they were initially said. Not only can a person’s words do detrimental damage to those on the receiving end, but their actions as well. These words and actions not only affect the receiver on an emotional level, but on mental levels as well.

Emi, I’m sorry that you felt like I was bullying you when I messaged you. I was initially going to put what I said in the venting chat. However, ccb immediately let me know that that was the wrong move and I realized that it was hypocritical of me to publicly do that while I had been asking to be pm’d myself; that is why I pm’d you. That said, I absolutely do not appreciate that you said that I was bullying you, and told you to “shut up.” If you’re going to make an accusation such as this, you had better have evidence to back up your claim. I’m sorry if my calling you out makes you upset, but I don’t appreciate having words put into my mouth (or, in this particular case, at my fingertips).

Before anyone tries to say that this was unfair of me to do in such a public manner, I must remind you that Emi said that she’d block me if I messaged her again. Therefore, I was unfortunately left with no other choice. I realize that I could’ve reported her, but for her sake (and that numerous users respect her) I chose to do this instead. Now, before Emi claims that I made changes to the message, I want to ask ccb to confirm that I didn’t; I’m sorry that I had to bring you into this particular issue ccb. That said, I could’ve also reported those of you that took part in what’s in the screenshots just after the one that documents what I actually said. I know y’all were still angry and upset at that point, but that is no excuse; what you said was still hurtful and a perfect example of bullying.

When I made that post in the venting chat about the rudeness chat, I was, in fact, venting in a thread made for that kind of thing, that literally has the word ”Venting” in the title. Yet I was, in my opinion, attacked for it.

Those of you who I feel were being quite civil about all of this, I just want to say thank you. You somehow managed to remain calm enough to consider both sides of this conflict, which I imagine took a great amount of will-power.

@HighPockets group

You can't shift the definition of bullying to make yourself look better while simultaneously using it to shut down how Emi felt, bud. You imply that the definition is flexible when you say something is "part of [my] definition of bullying" and yet you complain that Emi chose to use the word "bullying" to describe your actions towards her. It's hypocritical and dishonest.

@Pickles group

You can't shift the definition of bullying to make yourself look better while simultaneously using it to shut down how Emi felt, bud. You imply that the definition is flexible when you say something is "part of [my] definition of bullying" and yet you complain that Emi chose to use the word "bullying" to describe your actions towards her. It's hypocritical and dishonest.

Especially since by your own definition, you bullied nearly every person on this site with your BLATANT LAW BREAKING and offensive messages promoting harmful stereotypes

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

Ok…. I have acknowledged that what I did was wrong, took the threads down, apologized publically, and didn't pm Emi nor PatienceKills as they told me not to. What else would you like me to do to earn forgiveness?

Deleted user

Alright y'all, third party is coming in because I do like to resolve situations like this.
The information was cited, not plagiarized. (Though if you could tell my how this is wrong I'm very open to hearing it, I do actually mean that though.)
Yes, the information was wrong and offensive but it looks like Sy did apologize and take down the threads.
It looks like everyone did get a bit heated and that's understandable, however, like I mentioned above, Sy did apologize for the information being outdated. Yes, Sy could've done some more research but it's likely that he (I do hope you use he/him pronouns if not I apologize and will change it) just saw this stuff and thought "This seems like it could be helpful to others as well."

I don't like going against my friends but I don't think he deserves this amount of heat.


Another third Part jumping in here, Sorry for intruding I will see myself out after this.
No one is obligated to forgive, however I would implore you to act on human decency and not press the matter further.
Sy has done everything in his power to atone for his wrong doings.
I respect the parties involve and understand that words can only do so much to mend previous injury. I ask that all parties avoid creating further injuries and allow the subject to be dropped. I do not believe that there is anything more either party can say concerning the matter that has not already been said in some way or another.


He brought it back up, not them, so please don't tell them they're the ones who didn't drop it

I was not aware my words insinuated such a thing I believe I said all parties not just one, I apologize if such offence was taken.

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

I am trying to be civil about this right now…. I have corrected my mistake. Even acknowledged that it was wrong on multiple levels. Again, I am truly sorry that the info was outdated and harmful. We are all human, and all mess up in major ways from time to time. It was an awful mistake on my part. I'm not saying that you have to forgive me. You can at the very least acknowledge and take my apology into consideration.

but it's likely that he (I do hope you use he/him pronouns if not I apologize and will change it) just saw this stuff and thought "This seems like it could be helpful to others as well."

I can see that you paraphrased here, but that's okay because I said that and provivded evidence.

Deleted user

I saw that, I just think others might've taken it better from someone they don't seem to hate at the moment. Anger clouds the sight.

@Pickles group

All flags are red when looking through lenses tinted red with anger

Breaking copyright laws is a red flag, so is spreading clearly harmful information, regardless of any personal feelings. Don't claim that any of us are blinded by anger or whatever tf

Deleted user

All flags are red when looking through lenses tinted red with anger

Breaking copyright laws is a red flag, so is spreading clearly harmful information, regardless of any personal feelings. Don't claim that any of us are blinded by anger or whatever tf

Oh, I'd like to rephrase my words if you also thought of it like that. I had meant that if you're angry with a person you might not see what their saying, instead focusing on the thing they did and the anger that it stirred in you.

Deleted user

Yeah, no, sorry.

I did not make those PMs public immediately just to try and help you save some face.

I said that.

I don’t accept anything you tell me. I don’t accept any apology that might’ve been intended in there. I recognize bullying and harassment, and straight blatant, disgusting use of power in age. It happens to me so often, and in a situation I cannot escape. I do not tolerate it whenever I can lash back. Before you tell me you were not trying to bully me, please reread your strongly worded PM telling me less than politely to shut up. I don’t accept that type of behavior. Ever.

I was not appreciative of you PMing me out of no where and clogging the part of the site I did not want to be clogged. In fact, the reason I didn’t want to PM you is because (OMG AGAIN) I thought it deserved to be public. Everyone needed to know about our grievances and needed to know this happened.

There’s no point in highlighting stuff.

They can (omg) go to the first page and see it for themselves. In fact, I could quite assume that everyone on this chat read that.

I know this is late. I know. But this is my thread. And on a topic (mental illness and sexuality that is), that can so easily be pointed to me? And people I care about? Unacceptable.

I honestly don’t care much about the copyright, I care much more that you tried to attack me about something I have more experience in. That you didn’t read what you edited.

I don’t accept your apology.

It’s unacceptable how you acted towards me. I hope you’re mature enough to understand that.

Deleted user

This is messed up. What do you want from him exactly? Why is it somehow only your side that matters and you won't even listen to him? And if you hate the book obviously it doesn't matter if he's pirating it and taking away money from an author who you said yourself demonized you. That leaves the only thing he did wrong as share it and get defensive. But of course if you're a little hotheaded and you don't always handle yourself right you all jump down our throats. Why do you all even take it so personally? It's internet drama and you all have your friends on here backing you up. When the insiders (you guys) get criticized you all have a good laugh about it. But when the outsiders get criticized over honest mistakes we're shunned from a place that should have been accepting. Syman and I have both contributed to this community and all you want is to look at our faults and "drama." He tried to give you a resource but all you can think about is the resource was bad for you when he probably didn't even know and you could have educated him politely. I start fandom chats and critique characters and I USED to share all my characters until I deleted them all to make my account delete easier except it still didn't work so I kept seeing all your little messages and comments. It's all honestly sad.

Deleted user

I promise I'm actually not because I'm not the only one who sees it because when people say the forums are toxic it ISN'T just because of the people who you don't like. It's because of the way you react to it and love to turn it into a witch hunt.

Deleted user

oh honey plagiarism is still bad even if the source material is absolutely shit. Sy has done shitty things and needs to be held accountable but I get it, you don't think actions should have consequences.

Deleted user

And stop talking down to me. You think being nice to me like one time means I owe you forever and should be over everything by now. No.

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