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people_alt 67 followers


Oo also this!

"Gender Identity Disorder" is an outdated term, iirc

You're right again, Gender Identity Disorder was replaced with the term Gender Dyphoria in 2015, and I believe now has different criteria and of course different treatment options.

@HighPockets group

Oo also this!

"Gender Identity Disorder" is an outdated term, iirc

You're right again, Gender Identity Disorder was replaced with the term Gender Dyphoria in 2015, and I believe now has different criteria and of course different treatment options.

That's what I thought, I just wasn't 100% sure on that. Thank you!


Oh shoot I only gave credit to Emi thank you too, Jyn, and who ever else worked on that list bc y'all did a pretty good job applause

Deleted user

Oh it wasn’t all me, that was from users in PMs and on Rudeness.

Again, thank you so much to everyone who contributed and let me use their opinions.

@GameMaster group

"Lack of Empathy" should have been removed from the list of autism "symptoms" a long time ago. It's generally agreed now that "Lack of Empathy" is only a symptom of Natural Psychopathy. Sorry to intrude, just wanted to note that.


Hyper-empathy is also a symptom of autism iirc

a while ago my brother was being tested or like, whatever it is they do to determine a diagnosis, but anyway tested to see if he was on the spectrum, and one of the reasons it was heavily considered was because of his hyper empathy. and his really bad overstimulation in crowds and the fact that he was insanely smart and they weren't sure whether he had adhd and anxiety or was on the spectrum. but anyway, he's like one of the most empathetic kids i've ever met. istg he can feel what someone is feeling before they do sometimes

i think it was decided that he wasn't? but like if he had been it wouldn't have been all that surprising

and also wouldn't have torn my family apart(i did that!) but oop

Deleted user

"Lack of Empathy" should have been removed from the list of autism "symptoms" a long time ago. It's generally agreed now that "Lack of Empathy" is only a symptom of Natural Psychopathy. Sorry to intrude, just wanted to note that.

also to note is that people with depression who go for longs periods of time without treatment, end up having premanent damage to the prefrontal cortex and the amygdala, who's job is to regulate emotions and the such. due to this, people with depression feel more apathetic, meaning, less empathy.

and just to quote my dude Mike King:

"The person who is depressed and especially one who has gone for a long time suffering from depression, cannot practice empathy because he is too wrapped up in his own suffering to feel anyone else’s depression.

The individual with depression may have a good intellectual understanding of what empathy is all about but cannot transfer the thoughts into empathy for others."

so yeah, sorry intruding too lmao just wanted to share that bit of info

Deleted user

which also is why you feel so apathetic all the time emi- i've seen your rants in the venting space and as someone who had depression too, the lack of empathy means it's get bad. really bad. in my experience anyways-
anyways yeah, i'll leave now djksjlsj

Deleted user

yeah I was pretty spooked wondering why i related to that so much

thanks mumu


so what happens when you've been going to therapy since you were a kid and you were diagnosed with and treated(therapy wise) for depression at a young age? cause i get the apathy thing a lot, especially when i should be grieving or feeling super bad

Deleted user

apathy can also be caused by antidepressants because they suppress your mood and that part of your brain from receiving negative emotions- im not too sure about this one, but my therapist told me that the pills also have a lot to do with apathy
it's a side effect i think

Deleted user

months. even years. the change is gradual. but let's see. i started with this whole depression thing when i was twelve so that means…at least two years because it was when i was fourteen that it started- the apathy thing.

Deleted user

I know with me my depression started/developed when I was close to 14 (in eighth grade) and I was mostly just really angry and overemotional all the time. This year, close to 17, I’m just completely flat most of the time


so….i don't take the antidepressants i have. i'm out and have been for a while but it's not a prescription i can just get renewed. does that just mean i'm defective lmao

Deleted user

ah no- when you stop taking your antidepressants they still work even after you stop them- but ! abruptly stopping your meds when you should be taking them can cause a lotta damage.
just ask my dumbass that goes on and off of them all the time.

but yeah, after a while of feeling all those intense emotions of sadness it goes to a point when you dont even find a point to your sadness or why you feel the way you do, so you just kinda… go dull, you know?

Deleted user

dude you gotta stop with that

that hurt right at home lmao

@GameMaster group

I feel empathy but not compassion which usually freaks people out. Basically I feel secondhand emotions but I don’t really feel bad for people. I, of course, force myself to care about people but if I see someone fall there’s no feeling of “oh I gotta help them”

Deleted user

You don't need empathy to care about people though, that's more sympathy/compassion as @GameMaster pointed out and as I'm pointing out (and you don't even need that!) because I'm a low/fluctuating empathy autistic and that's never stopped me from trying to care about people! When I'm higher empathy is what poses a problen because everyone feels SO MUCH and I don't have the emotional energy to deal with that.

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