forum The Story Behind Your Username
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Deleted user

Hello there! Most of you probably won't know me, cause I just started participating in the forum discussions. But I'm been kind of wandering around and occasionally adding a comment here and there. But I can't help but notice all of the unique and interesting usernames. I was just curious about everyone's usernames and what the story behind them are. You don't have to share if you are not comfortable with it!

So I'll add my story here as well:

I've always been that awkward person in the background who doesn't really participate in anything in fear of judgement and hatred. I always felt misplaced and never really felt like I completely belonged somewhere. So I thought long and hard about something that was also kind of ignored like me when trying to come up with a username, and it came to me when I was playing poker with my sisters (don't worry, we were using money from the board game Monopoly, not real money lol). My older sister threw the jokers out of the deck and began to deal the cards. I just kind of had this aha! moment. In a weird way I kind of related to the card? I don't really know how to explain it. But ever since then my username has been Joker Of The Deck.

What's your story?


At some point, I created a male version of myself with a kinda similar name to my own (Maddox Fraust). He is pretty much entirely insignificant and was used in like one roleplay that died in ~5 pages and was forgotten. Time skip forward like, a year or something when I got steam. I got to thinking, hmmm, what should my username be? Fraust came back to my mind for some reason. Then I was like, huh. What words are kinda like Fraust? Bam. Caustic. :00 they're kinda spelled the same and caustic is a pretty lit adjective
So I became Caustic Fraust and I now use that for everything because I like it
(I used to be Blizzard7209 (not on this site I don't think but it was my main thing) because of the last name similarity and 7209 being my house number)


Also my first username here was Robin_Jones because Robin Jones was the only character I had at the time and I was not creative
The character has since been scrapped since he was shit but now everyone thinks I'm a guy apparently
Or… at least they did. I think y'all know I'm female now

@Anemone eco

Uhh, my username? Idk, I got a random burst of inspiration and decided on Captain K'nuckles. I'll change it back to what it used to be later, but yeah. That's my username for ya.


Someone I'm no longer friends with recommended I go by Kiefernholz and it just stuck.

Supposedly your name means pinewood or something

@Pickles group

Once upon a time, my dad really liked pickles. And as a way to try to be close with him, I decided I really liked pickles too (dill pickles are actually great though). At the time I played soccer, so I always pushed to name our team Pickles and I was always shot down. Then one year, someone suggested that I put Pickles on the back of my jersey (mind you, I had a different coach and had never been allowed to pick the name that went on my jersey). I decided it was a fabulous idea and BAM. I was Pickles according to coaches of the other teams who of course had no idea who I was.
And then I quit soccer (it was actually a few years later I think, but that's unimportant). I sucked anyways. I think I scored one, maybe two or three goals in all of my years playing. Flash forward to me finding Notebook and remembering this when I was trying to come up with a name for myself. I also may or may not have a shirt with "Pickles" on it and I may or may not be wearing it right now, but that's a different story


I…thought it was cool-sounding. BAM. That's the whole story. I needed a username and was like "well Icefire sounds cool", so I am now Icefire. So.

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

Back in the day, I was really obsessed with Pokemon. And Minecraft. My original Minecraft user was PikachuJr121(i shudder at the thought), and after I was bullied about it a few times, I was like 'okay, I'm gonna change it'. I still wanted something Pokemon-related, so I chose Ash.
At that point, I also had a problem with naming characters in stories after trees. (I thought I was being clever with Ash being the main character of Pokemon and a tree)
I also liked the name Willow, so I made my username Ash_W1llow. Then, when I joined notebook, I shortened it to Ash.

@Toaster group

Well, I'm pretty shy and awkward. The rest just kind of popped into my head one day…
Angel Fairbrooke (my oc) didn't come around until after.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

So my name always has Althalosian in it. Althalos is where the majority of my work takes place as it has four books and the most extensive worldbuilding I can do (and am still working on). I once saw a book about C.S. Lewis called The Narnian so I started thinking of myself as The Althalosian. And right now the rest of my name is a second round of being eDgY for fun. I'll probably knock it off soon though.

@HighPockets group

I really like Star Wars, so that's why I go by Jyn/Jynnie, since Jyn Erso was the character whose name I used in my original username. And then I needed a fake edgy/dramatic username for a joke and I went with ThoroughlyAccursedCreator due to a discussion I had with Pickles, and boom it stuck and I really like it since it sums up how I feel about my writing sometimes.

@chaos_generator_13 language

So, with mine, I really like the number 13. The chaos part is what all my friends say I align with best. The generator thing is just because it sounds cool. I guess. Also, whenever I'm on anything team related, and I'm in charge, the team name is the Jalapeno Hotties. lol


There's this one channel on youtube called the vlogbrothers, ran by John and Hank Green, the people who made vidcon. They are kinda famous, and they make these super short 4 minute videos. Once I watched one that talked about the English language and how weird it was, and in that video Hank brought up 'heterological,' which became my favorite word, for its definition and obscurity. It also wasn't that hard to type or spell out, and I decided to have that as my username. So I have quite a few accounts with Heterological as the username.


My boyfriend's last name is Murphy, so I'm Murphy's girl. I don't think there's any further explanation needed.

(Also @Ash-is-scarred-for-life-thanks-guys I am also a former Pokemon nerd XD so I relate)


My very first username on here will forever remain a mystery, though I will say I've always had "Red" in my online moniker.

This one I've had for the majority of my stay here. The "hopeless" part of my username I got from my profile picture at the time. It was a 1800s painting titled "Hope" and was meant to have an ambiguous/sarcastic meaning, hence it translating into "hopeless" for me.

So I just added the two together, and "RedTheHopeless" was made.


I think my first username on here was like.. Alien_Sugar or something? That doesn't matter. As for GoblinKing: I made it off a few things- one, something that would openly distance me from my original sorta feminine username, which doesn't, eh,, click with me anymore. Two, my friends call me a little goblin anyway. Three- dear god, it's just so fun to say.

TLDR- i wanted a funky fresh cool name. that's it, babey.

@Shadow_Knight group

I don't remember the exact reason but if you boil it down to the basics, at an edgy point at time I was obsessed with shadows and I wanted to come up with a name that revolved around Shadows. I didn't want to be called Shadow queen or princess because it sounded to girly, I didn't want Shadow king because I didn't have the best self esteem and it sounded "too powerful" at the time. I eventually settled on Shadow Knight. I've just never changed names because everyone calls me Shadow now.