forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :)
Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

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Thank you that is pretty helpful and I will definetly think about it before I come out to my parents. And do you have any advice about depresson because right now I am in a really bad place.

Some days will be the same, some will be worse and some will be better. Some days go by in shades of monotone life and other days are darker. There will be the occasional light though, and you need to hold onto those lights as tight as you can. Some days you won't be able to get out of your bed by yourself and you'll find yourself staring blankly at the ceiling. Other days you'll want to hide yourself away and cry until you disappear. And then, there will be the days when you can genuinely smile without feeling empty and fake. Hang onto those moments. Because with everything going on, you're going to need some hope to hold close in times of crisis. And no matter what happens, no matter how horrible it gets, never give up those small bits of hope. Never give that up. Period. You may want to cry, and that's okay. Sadness and crying are okay. But even when you're down like that, please try not to give up.

Find little things, like the sun beaming on your face in the early morning or how cool your breath looks when it clouds in the cold. Find something else to take care of, like a houseplant or a pet. If you can't find a reason to keep going, think of your responsibility to take care of them. If you have a friend/friends you're really close to, then call them or text them or set up a time to hang out and just talk and be honest. Don't close yourself off from help if you ever need it.


hey, so ummmmmm, going back to the topic of crushes…….. I have a question. As an aro ace person trying to write a story with a romantic character……. HOW DO I WRITE THE ROMANCE??????
I have no romance experience and have never had a crush….
what does having a crush feel like??
what does hollywood overdramatize and what of it is actually real?????
since you guys were excited to discuss your crushes would you be willing to explain to this little aro what having a crush feels like??


hey, so ummmmmm, going back to the topic of crushes…….. I have a question. As an aro ace person trying to write a story with a romantic character……. HOW DO I WRITE THE ROMANCE??????
I have no romance experience and have never had a crush….
what does having a crush feel like??
what does hollywood overdramatize and what of it is actually real?????
since you guys were excited to discuss your crushes would you be willing to explain to this little aro what having a crush feels like??

dude im on the same page as you and its for Gay character so i know a little bit but i can do straight characters insert sad laughing


Uhhhhhh Hollywood does kind of exaggerate a bit.
For me, having a crush feels like…floating in the air.
Like if I see my crush, I get butterflies in my stomach and my heart starts beating faster. My face usually gets warm and it feels like I'm walking on clouds in the sky.
It's kind of hard to describe…hope this helped a bit.


Is it alright if I join? I may not be a member of the community, but I support it, and I want to help as many people as possible…

I'm a damn idiot… I should have asked sooner…

Deleted user

oh goodness i just realized how badly i messed up… I sent a reply to the wrong person


Is it alright if I join? I may not be a member of the community, but I support it, and I want to help as many people as possible…

I'm a damn idiot… I should have asked sooner…



Is it alright if I join? I may not be a member of the community, but I support it, and I want to help as many people as possible…

I'm a damn idiot… I should have asked sooner…


yes pls shuri we love you