forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :)
Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

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Oh well, how are you coping with it and do you have any other things like anxiety or depression

yeah I have anxiety, a lot. And depression but they aren't necessarily related to my sexuality
I'm really scared of coming out because i'm afraid of getting kicked out or something

Deleted user


aww don’t worry
Can I help?

i'm just on the verge of tears and i just want to go home and I hate myself and..sigh

Awww , take deep breaths, or if you really my need to, go to the bathroom and cry for a min. Dab your face with cold water and no one will be able to tell. Don’t hate yourself, you’r3 Amazing.


Okay its good to know that I have someone who I can talk to about my anxiety because I have really bad anxiety and depresson. I'm also scared of coming out because of that reason. I'm worried my family won't accept me.

Deleted user

Okay its good to know that I have someone who I can talk to about my anxiety because I have really bad anxiety and depresson. I'm also scared of coming out because of that reason. I'm worried my family won't accept me.
I have anxiety too, you can always vent to me.


Okay its good to know that I have someone who I can talk to about my anxiety because I have really bad anxiety and depresson. I'm also scared of coming out because of that reason. I'm worried my family won't accept me.

i have a similar situation but if your family doesn't accept you,, well you have an entire commuunity here

Deleted user

I live in Florida, if you can stand the heat you can stay with me


Oh well, how are you coping with it and do you have any other things like anxiety or depression

I'm either pansexual or polysexual at this point, and I'm too busy to figure out which at the moment. My advice to coming out, regardless of your sexuality or gender identity, is to approach the softest parent first. For me, my softest parent was my mother. Make sure to approach the parent alone and just inquire about how they view the community in general, and if they question you either 1) come out to the parent right then and there, or 2) cover for yourself saying you heard or saw something on the news related to the community. Then do this again but with the harder parent.

Once you figure out their stances on the community, you can determine if it is safe for you to come out. If they seemed iffy on it, wait a bit but keep up a small pressure of the occasional news bit from the community. If they seemed supportive, take some time to sit them down and tell them. If they seemed against it, be wary, and if you feel unsafe talking about the matter again, I suggest you stay in the closet to them, no matter how much it hurts.

I also have an anxiety disorder and depression so if you need tips or coping mechanisms just ask away.

Deleted user

If my parents don't accept me can one of you come kidnap me and take me and my depression with you

Leaving the depression @ home but sure


If my parents don't accept me can one of you come kidnap me and take me and my depression with you

Leaving the depression @ home but sure

oof but it likes mee
i'll bring moist star with me
and Shakespeare

Deleted user

If my parents don't accept me can one of you come kidnap me and take me and my depression with you

Leaving the depression @ home but sure

oof but it likes mee
i'll bring moist star with me
and Shakespeare



Thank you that is pretty helpful and I will definetly think about it before I come out to my parents. And do you have any advice about depresson because right now I am in a really bad place.

@-Love, Blue

If my parents don't accept me can one of you come kidnap me and take me and my depression with you

Leaving the depression @ home but sure

oof but it likes mee
i'll bring moist star with me
and Shakespeare

you can come with me


If my parents don't accept me can one of you come kidnap me and take me and my depression with you

Leaving the depression @ home but sure

oof but it likes mee
i'll bring moist star with me
and Shakespeare

you can come with me

oh yeah xD
maybe i'll wait until I can drive to come out so I can drive to your house


If my parents don't accept me can one of you come kidnap me and take me and my depression with you

Leaving the depression @ home but sure

oof but it likes mee
i'll bring moist star with me
and Shakespeare
