forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :)
Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

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Hell no it won't lol. Curly hair is ugh. I would shave my hair if 1) I didn't value it and 2) I wouldn't look like my dad.

Fair enough, but curly hair is also cute as hell, but very fickle (my brother battles with it, so I can kinda understand your pain)


Yep. An oof indeed.

That aside, how is everyone?

Good, finally worked up the courage to tell my DND group what I'd like to be called so that was nice.
They accept and support me.

And you?


I have a bit of a strange proposition, but here me out; we stop using "John Doe" and "Jane Doe" for unidentified people, and only use "Jem Doe,*" a name that is both gender neutral and significantly less lame.

*Note: Boomers, of course, will still be called John and Jane Doe. This improvement will only apply to cool people.

@Anemone eco

Yep. An oof indeed.

That aside, how is everyone?

Good, finally worked up the courage to tell my DND group what I'd like to be called so that was nice.
They accept and support me.

And you?

That's awesome to hear, Red!

I'm alright. Heat's getting to me quite a bit, though. I feel like I'm procrastinating on my writing too much though lol.


(Weird moment to introduce myself in the chat)
But Hi I'm Victoria, bi, and single :) Haven't came out to my fam because they are…very against LGBTQ in general so I can't tell them but yeah.

@Anemone eco

(No worries. We're all weird here)

Nice to meet you, Victoria! I'm Milky (though most call me Nie) and questioning like hell. My pronouns are he/him. :)


Welcome to the chat, Victoria. I'm Ace, but you can call me Red if that's easier (most everyone does it). I'm the local site anti-villain and cryptid.