forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :)
Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

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@Anemone eco

Mainly, I tried to imagine what the “guy of my dreams” would be like, but couldn’t come up with anything and didn’t really feel anything. However when I tried the same with the “woman of my dreams”, I could feel my heart fluttering. Sounds kinda ridiculous, I know, but that’s how it worked for me.

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Mainly, I tried to imagine what the “guy of my dreams” would be like, but couldn’t come up with anything and didn’t really feel anything. However when I tried the same with the “woman of my dreams”, I could feel my heart fluttering. Sounds kinda ridiculous, I know, but that’s how it worked for me.

same tho

@Elder-God-Whisper work

Why do I get asked if I'm a top or a bottom?
Like… Why do you care?

my friends make fun of me for being nice to them because that means im a bottom

Bottom/Top has nothing to do with personality
If anything it has to do with nail length

And who get's the check when you're eating out.

Which one gets flustered by the other one grabbing their ass

@Bre_is_sick_of_school group

It's fine, I can still grow mushrooms on my back through the power of listening to therapy session and eating a hamburger!

Oof. Okay. 👌

It is a well known fact that therapy session is extremely powerful

But the hamburger tho?

don't eat meat so I prefer CORN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


i wish i was dead
i can't do anything right and it's all because i like girls and guys huh
it's because they "can't stand my personality" or "my trans friend isn't trans cause she doesn't have nothin between her legs, and so you suck because you enjoy her company"
i hate the fact that people can't absorb themselves into life so much that they have to pick on people who are already struggling to find themselves
i've tried to live life by surrounding myself with creatures i don't understand and look where that got me
and now i either want to die or want to go to jail for a large ass bail to get me out
and guess who's the culprit for all of this
my ex


I have returned successful from a trip to paris WHiTh tWo NeW HoOdiEs. And my godmother did not suspect a thing……..or…………..did she…….? i did mention people hoping elsa was a lesbian………..and it did seem like she remembered that because she did make herself be called elsaat the starbucks but then no. Wait. No. She probably just forgot about that first thing. so hopefully my married cousin/godmother with the most adorable baby ever did not hint to being gay. Yeah.

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bruh so i’m up at my school’s library doing research for Chem, and my (it’s complicated rn but) future gf person came in and when I saw her my heart started fluttering and my hands are still shaking

I’ve never felt that way about anyone and it’s kinda epic lol

there’s my gay moment for the day and ig an answer for knowing whether or not you’re attracted to girls

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nono she knows I like her already

I told her and we’re going to be dating soon (she’s just not ready yet which is why I said “soon to be”)

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Why do I get asked if I'm a top or a bottom?
Like… Why do you care?

my friends make fun of me for being nice to them because that means im a bottom

Bottom/Top has nothing to do with personality
If anything it has to do with nail length

And who get's the check when you're eating out.

Which one gets flustered by the other one grabbing their ass

Can confirm as well

@HighPockets group

bruh so i’m up at my school’s library doing research for Chem, and my (it’s complicated rn but) future gf person came in and when I saw her my heart started fluttering and my hands are still shaking

I’ve never felt that way about anyone and it’s kinda epic lol

there’s my gay moment for the day and ig an answer for knowing whether or not you’re attracted to girls

Oh mood

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I told her and she said she's never been told that before and that she feels special

then we kissed as we waited for my bus and confused a band child

it was great

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I wish I could tell you I was making that up bc it feels like it's from a dream

but it's not

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then we kissed as we waited for my bus and confused a band child

Kissing girls is honestly the best lol

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then we kissed as we waited for my bus and confused a band child

Kissing girls is honestly the best lol

mhm Miriam ok

Let me have my moment

Deleted user

then we kissed as we waited for my bus and confused a band child

Kissing girls is honestly the best lol

mhm Miriam ok

Let me have my moment

um?? I was just saying…?
As in, like, I get why you're excited?
Chill boomer