forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :)
Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

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I’m a dork
I’m making a pin for my girlfriend
It’s the lesbian flag with our initials On it and I know she is going to loose her marbles
And I’m going to a stay away camp and at the end of camp we have a dance thing
And I’m going to wear a rainbow pin with Love written on it and tell all the guys sorry I’m taken and point out the pin
I love being a trans gay dude


Aww thank you I put zero thought into it was mostly inspired bye my good friend making me a rainbow scarf sooo that’s what stemmed my ideas


OK I’m having an internal breakdown so here we go
I made my pin for my girlfriend and she loves it but then she goes off saying I’m going to be her first kiss and I’m scared cause of how mine went
I mean I won’t brake her heart like my first kiss did to me but I don’t know how she reacts she is a small girl with too many feelings for her little body and I’m a tall girl with not enough feelings for my body so I’m not phased by most things but she has I breakdown if she gets a C so I’m scared help me please


OK I’m having an internal breakdown so here we go
I made my pin for my girlfriend and she loves it but then she goes off saying I’m going to be her first kiss and I’m scared cause of how mine went
I mean I won’t brake her heart like my first kiss did to me but I don’t know how she reacts she is a small girl with too many feelings for her little body and I’m a tall girl with not enough feelings for my body so I’m not phased by most things but she has I breakdown if she gets a C so I’m scared help me please

ok sweetie trust me if you take it slow it'll be a good kiss
put your hand on her cheek and then lean in slowly and kiss her gently
point is, dont take her by surprise
and if you wont break her heart then you dont need to be worried

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Hi. So…. I found a cool site. With cool binders. And I'm broke and have not-very-chill parents. But I want to at least share the site with y'all so if anyone needs a new, high quality binder, you can know where to look.


Check them out!


I want a binder but my family doesn’t know I’m trans and ya but I have people who are like you need a binder so I’ve been hinting at them saying oh ya I do or you know my birthday is coming up even though it isn’t and I can’t order one myself cause my family always knows

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Oof, my family just cant afford it.
They don't really understand why I need it too.


Oh and very uncomfortable story for me
So my little sister likes this on cartoon on Nickelodeon and one of the main characters likes a girl and they based an episode on this and me and my siblings were watching the episode with my grandpa and as I’m doing a little happy dance for the gayness my little sister goes can you like a girl… and I start saying yes while my grandpa says No very sternly then I walked into a different room before I could get interrogated but I wanted to curl up and die so my grandpa is Homophobic and I’m a little trans Pansexual soo it’s fun living in my shoes

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I have offically leveled up in gay
I dyed my hair purple


I started wearing Dude PLAID shirts and buttoning the top button my mom thinks I look like a criminal from a cop show I think I look hella gay

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Thomas Sanders has no idea what he's done to the fanbase.

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I'm shitposting out of excitement. Don't eff me on this.