forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :)
Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

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Hello My name is Oliver and I want to be trans (I am a female) (but I want to transition to a boy because of so many reasons if you want to know why then text me or something because I would really want to tell someone that is part of the LGBT community, but yeah I need help) *I don't tell people that I want to be trans or tell people my real name 'as a female' and I just use an alias "Tori" so yeah If someone is interested in my life then you can be weird with me and just talk like old friends. *and thanks for reading all this 'well only if you did'

Hello! You're very welcome here! I'm Midnight! I like guys and gals and use she/her pronouns!

hi! i'm Orfie and i like all genders and i use he/him

Hey! I'm Logan, I'm a trans guy!

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you're so nice
And I was explaining my 'gender bracelets to another friend of mine.
And the girl who called me an 'it' asked if she could explain them
I didn't care so I said ok
her explanation was
when she wheres blue shes a boy when she where's pink shes a girl.
I was shocked she listened to me.
But then she got to white.
She said white is when she is for the or it.
Like bish did you not learn your lesson.
I properly explained while giving the girl a death glare.

I've never been called an "It" but I can definitely see how trans or just people in the LGBT community feel like when people dought their gender or just question everything. "What is funny to me is that I always wear blue bracelets and never pink but often I would wear a white one, but your comment made me really happy. Thanks @IzudekuMidoriya

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Maybe how about you @Cupcake-Filled-With-Thumbtacks

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Maybe how about you @Cupcake-Filled-With-Thumbtacks

Ah yes, I know you.

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Maybe how about you @Cupcake-Filled-With-Thumbtacks

Ah yes, I know you.

Yeah me too

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Maybe how about you @Cupcake-Filled-With-Thumbtacks

Ah yes, I know you.

Yeah me too

Well this is awkward


anyway we're watching ragnarok in class and valkyrie just took thor and i don't know why but i'd crawl on my knees if it meant she'd smile at me once