That's so great!
On a different note, my brother just barged into my room to give me an eyeball made out of clay which he stuck onto my ceiling lamp so now it forever watches me. I named him Charles.
That sounds awesome I think!!
Cool! Treasure him forever!
Then we're friends forever!! I love you and I'm so glad that you exist!
I love you too, and am incredibly grateful that you exist!
Cool! Treasure him forever!
I will. He will protect me from my ceiling light I can tell.
warning….. so much sarcasm
as an ace person, i've often wondered what sexual attraction is and what it is like. My psychology textbook has ReAlLy HeLpFuL definition…..
sexual attraction is the first stage in bringing males and females together
wow!! s o h e l p f u l !!! very e d u c a t e
isnt science wonderful???
its like sex ed class all over again …. kill me now please im begging you
Where tf did Aaron go? They deleted their account I was in my fav rp w them I’m a little salty
Their mom deleted their account, but they’re on a different account now, I think.
Hello! I think arron is in this chat and I want to make sure he has my jacket still
So I know no one stole it if he put it in the band room :)
warning….. so much sarcasm
as an ace person, i've often wondered what sexual attraction is and what it is like. My psychology textbook has ReAlLy HeLpFuL definition…..
sexual attraction is the first stage in bringing males and females together
wow!! s o h e l p f u l !!! very e d u c a t e
isnt science wonderful???
its like sex ed class all over again …. kill me now please im begging you
I have to talk 'health class' next year…..yikes.
Hi I'm voice typing I just told my brother I am bisexual I think
as an ace person, i've often wondered what sexual attraction is and what it is like. My psychology textbook has ReAlLy HeLpFuL definition…..
sexual attraction is the first stage in bringing males and females together
wow!! s o h e l p f u l !!! very e d u c a t e
I am pretty sure that sexual attraction is being sexually interested in someone like wanting to have sexual relations with them
But I don't know if he got the message and now I feel a little weird even if he did
Why does everyone just leave whenever I say something
Why does everyone just leave whenever I say something
People do that to me too and I forgot to refresh the page