forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :)
Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

people_alt 232 followers


I had ear surgery a couple weeks ago and they filled my ear with packing so I'm basically deaf in that ear right now. But I'm finally prescribed to ear drops that'll dissolve the packing so it's only a matter of time that totally wasn't a Hamilton reference


I had ear surgery a couple weeks ago and they filled my ear with packing so I'm basically deaf in that ear right now. But I'm finally prescribed to ear drops that'll dissolve the packing so it's only a matter of time that totally wasn't a Hamilton reference

Love the hamilton reference


so in my public speaking class, my teacher said that the solution to not being good/comfortable with eye contact………….. is to make eye contact
like she said if you struggle with eye contact to find some people you can look at in the room throughout your speech ……, if you struggle with eye contact just……..make eye contact with people????????????????????????? that's not how that w o r k s

on another note, not really looking forward to Valentine's Day but I am excited to share that the 14th is also National Book Giving Day, Library Lovers Day, National Cream Filled Chocolate Day, Read to your Child Day, and Organ Donor Day so you can celebrate by participating in any of those! St Valentine was also the patron saint of the plague and of beekeeping, so you can run around telling people to vaccinate their kids and buy a bunch of honey and celebrate Valentine's that way too if you like.
personally, I just wish I was back home instead of here at college because I could go to the farmers market tomorrow and buy honey from the honey guy to celebrate. I might just eat a bunch of toast with honey instead. and i'll definitely be making little notes to give to my friends because platonic love


Yeah platonic love is still love and I'm basically gonna send people words of good. As you can see i am unable to english right now but ya know I'm still gonna tell people I love 'em (And that includes Notebook peeps)


so in my public speaking class, my teacher said that the solution to not being good/comfortable with eye contact………….. is to make eye contact
like she said if you struggle with eye contact to find some people you can look at in the room throughout your speech ……, if you struggle with eye contact just……..make eye contact with people????????????????????????? that's not how that w o r k s

on another note, not really looking forward to Valentine's Day but I am excited to share that the 14th is also National Book Giving Day, Library Lovers Day, National Cream Filled Chocolate Day, Read to your Child Day, and Organ Donor Day so you can celebrate by participating in any of those! St Valentine was also the patron saint of the plague and of beekeeping, so you can run around telling people to vaccinate their kids and buy a bunch of honey and celebrate Valentine's that way too if you like.
personally, I just wish I was back home instead of here at college because I could go to the farmers market tomorrow and buy honey from the honey guy to celebrate. I might just eat a bunch of toast with honey instead. and i'll definitely be making little notes to give to my friends because platonic love

That's really cool! Thanks!