forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :)
Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

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Mhm! I'll just have to learn to be a Soft Boi™… And I'll be Yuuri!

Please do. If you did, would you give us pics? Or no

I would… Personally I'm more like Yuri with occasional Yuuri moments…


Mhm! I'll just have to learn to be a Soft Boi™… And I'll be Yuuri!

Please do. If you did, would you give us pics? Or no

I would… Personally I'm more like Yuri with occasional Yuuri moments…

From what you’ve told us about yourself, I see that.

but jokes on you because i look like yurio hwehwehwe


Mhm! I'll just have to learn to be a Soft Boi™… And I'll be Yuuri!

Please do. If you did, would you give us pics? Or no

I would… Personally I'm more like Yuri with occasional Yuuri moments…

From what you’ve told us about yourself, I see that.

but jokes on you because i look like yurio hwehwehwe

I could look a lot like him if I grew my hair out and bleached it…

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meanwhile I'm over here as the white trash version of Pitchit


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I look like a blond victor


later it's to dark rn


<>is rewatching YOI
<>remembers t h i c c Victor at the end of the first episode
<>wants to get into better skating shape but can't because one of my hands is broken and my other hand and also my knee have holes in them


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Want's to hang out with friends, talk with them, go shopping, etc. But can't because I can't even speak when my social anxiety starts up, I open my mouth like a goldfish and nothing comes out.

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It's fine, I'm trying to find a word for it…
I'm also trying to learn some sign language so I can tell whoever I'm with that my anxiety is acting up.

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I can skate pretty well, I can't do any turns… But I can skate!