forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :)
Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

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Do any of you know what Thanksgiving celebrates?

Yup! It celebrates the new colonists joining up with a native American tribe to slaughter another tribe…



it celebrates the first harvest of the pilgrims that came to the US because the food meant they could survive in this new land.


Do any of you know what Thanksgiving celebrates?

Yup! It celebrates the new colonists joining up with a native American tribe to slaughter another tribe…

i mean maybe but ive never heard that. I was taught it was celebrating their first harvest after struggling to grow food, the native Americans were the ones that taught them how to farm, so they were invited to the feast.
maybe thats a romanticised version, but thats what I was taught


Do any of you know what Thanksgiving celebrates?

Yup! It celebrates the new colonists joining up with a native American tribe to slaughter another tribe…

i mean maybe but ive never heard that. I was taught it was celebrating their first harvest after struggling to grow food, the native Americans were the ones that taught them how to farm, so they were invited to the feast.
maybe thats a romanticised version, but thats what I was taught

It was a mixture of the two… The colonists provided firepower so that the natives could wipe out an enemy tribe, and in return, the natives taught them how to survive better in the new land.

Deleted user

Nope Shuri was right.

The American Colonists were trying to warm up to the Natives to try and get them on their side so they could slaughter another tribe. It worked, I think, too.


did they kill them to warm up to the tribe so they would teach them how to grow food? everything ive heard has something surrounding them celebrating a harvest of some sort. it would make sense for them to celebrate winning the Native people over, but from what ive learned, they didnt have much food grown, if any, at that point.
Im legitimately asking because ive never heard that before and I know that the pilgrims were definately having trouble with growing food.
im also kinda wondering why I havent heard that before. Like, yeah, make it sound nicer for the children, but like, they shouldnt completely change history, and we went over this in history class in high school too. I dont think they would sugar coat that for high schoolers. Maybe im wrong and its a fault of the school system or something but im legitimately curious now.


Like I said… The colonists provided firepower and such to help the native tribe slaughter an enemy tribe. At the same time, the natives did teach them how to live off the land better… It was a trade…

@Becfromthedead group

They neglect to show the nasty side of our history most of the time. It’s not even the whole “keeping it PG for the kiddos.” It’s like… you ever hear that phrase about the winners writing the history books? It’s like that. And people choose to hide the dark side of their own histories.


look guys I just like pie lol
I mean I also knew that because history is one of my favorite things, but I just think of it as Pie season because I'm a loser

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I like pie too!
Me and my friends bake a bunch so… I like pie!

@Becfromthedead group

look guys I just like pie lol
I mean I also knew that because history is one of my favorite things, but I just think of it as Pie season because I'm a loser

What a mood.


lol this chat went from coming out stories to defining thanksgiving
also hello, genderqueer person here, what’s poppin