forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :)
Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

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A friend of mine told me The they ‘in no way consider [me] to be a close friend of [theirs],’ and to ‘please leave [them] alone.”

It’s been a whirlwind

Do you need help?


A friend of mine told me The they ‘in no way consider [me] to be a close friend of [theirs],’ and to ‘please leave [them] alone.”

It’s been a whirlwind

Do you need help?

Yeah, actually…I’m not really sure why they got so mad. I’ve been trying to figure it out.


wassup gays i am madly in love with bex taylor klaus thank you very much

dies because me too ME TOO

i follow their instagram and like die everytime they post



We've made it to Vegas. I was probably misgendered about ten times in five hours, and if my sister keeps calling me 'Girlie' this week I will freaking lose it. Also, there's a replica of King Tut's Tomb in Vegas and we're gonna do that. I've seen palm trees?? My cousins have a really nice house, and I'm jealous. At least now I have wifi and am not stuck with just people who I can't talk to. Hopefully, this week won't suck so much.


We've made it to Vegas. I was probably misgendered about ten times in five hours, and if my sister keeps calling me 'Girlie' this week I will freaking lose it. Also, there's a replica of King Tut's Tomb in Vegas and we're gonna do that. I've seen palm trees?? My cousins have a really nice house, and I'm jealous. At least now I have wifi and am not stuck with just people who I can't talk to. Hopefully, this week won't suck so much.

Cool and about the misgendered part let’s look on the bright side at least it was only ten and just keep telling them the more you say it the more they will be like ‘ok so your —‘ I think my bad if I’m wrong.


Lol, my sisters don't know I'm non-binary, I'm completely in the closet because they think it doesn't exist. Forgot to mention that, I'm suffering in silence but it's kinda my own fault because I'm not brave enough to come out? it's mostly my sisters. but we were also hearing my aunt talk religion, which was a little weird but of course, no one knows who I am. It's great. It sucks. But thanks a ton anyway, you guys. Hopefully I'll have a fun week despite this


ooh, is the replica of the tomb over by an airport by any chance? I've been to one of the airports in vegas twice for a couple hours so you might be talking about the thing I saw from the airport


shrugs helplessly this is the first time I've ever been to like… Nevada let alone Vegas so idk but I hope its as fun as it sounds!


I misread that as Chili friend and thought 'tasty' before I realized that was not right
I'm a bit tired from today